In this episode you will meet Charlotte Gallagher, and hear about the experiences she had on her first few W.I.L.D. trips - (including catching her stove on fire).
Charlotte's first W.I.L.D. trip was to Cloudland Canyon Sate Park, which is nestled in the northwestern corner of Georgia and is know for its beautiful waterfalls (and lots of steps - 600 to be exact!) This first trip was filled with an overload of experiences - with the W.I.L.D. bus breaking down on the way there and all the rain!
On Charlotte's second W.I.L.D. trip, the destination was Cumberland Island National Seashore - a breathtaking barrier island off the coast of South Georgia. During this trip we had a water-purification snafu and her cookstove catching fire. We also talk about the book Untamed, and how one woman has helped to keep Cumberland wild.
These first few trips and clinics that Charlotte attended helped her prepare for her great adventure, of biking solo across the United States. (This journey will be shared on following episodes).
To learn more about Charlotte visit her at SUP Y'all - https://supyallyoga.fitness
or follow her on Instagram: @supyallyoga or @i.am.charlotte
For more information on W.I.L.D. or how to sign up for trips, classes, events or to shop visit: www.wildoutdoorlearning.org
Follow W.I.L.D. on Facebook @WILDColumbusGA and on Instagram @wild_columbus
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