A team consisting of a half-man/half-shark, a woman who controls rats, and a man who wields polka dots as a weapon… what better opportunity to discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations? The Suicide Squad provides surprisingly insightful commentary into what it means to create a working environment where everyone—supervillain or otherwise—can do their best work. Our guest Paloma Figueroa from The ReadySet joins to discuss: - The role language plays in an equitable and inclusive environment (3:15) - Assessing “real” diversity on a team and the evolution of the “business case” for DEI (7:16) - The differences between diversity, equity, and inclusion (13:04) - Dealing with discomfort about DEI as leaders (17:20) - Intention vs. impact (21:35) - Navigating “cancel culture” and accountability (24:47) Hosted by Paula Cizek, Paloma Figueroa, and Daria Lombroso Credits: The Suicide Squad. Dir. James Gunn. Perf. Idris Elba, Margot Robbie, John Cena. Warner Bros. 2021. "Work of Fiction" Theme Song: Matt Garza