
  • Learning From Laughter

    Laughter can be good for the soul, like a timely dose of medicine. Used improperly, or at an inappropriate time, it can also wound the spirit of those who are vulnerable. In today’s Daily Steps, laughter is an experience which creates a conflict. That conflict leads to a crisis, and the crisis sets the stage for God to draw near to become a source of rescue to those who are in need.

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  • Abraham's Prayer

    How exactly does prayer work? Is it true that prayer can influence the events of life? In today’s Daily Steps, we’re going to consider a story about a man named Abimelech in which we see that God identifies prayer as a means of healing. We’ll see how, in this particular case, healing only occurred after Abraham prayed on behalf of Abimelech and his household.

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  • Point of No Return

    It isn’t always easy to take a stand against wickedness, especially when you are in the minority. Quite frequently, speaking up and talking about what is right and what is wrong will make you a target of opposition, especially if what you are saying is contrary to the culture or the popular opinion. In today’s Daily Steps, we’re going to see how Lot faced that very situation when the angels of God visited with a view to investigate firsthand the reports of wickedness regarding the city of Sodom.

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  • A Few Good Men (and Women)

    The influence of a few good people is more powerful than we might realize. In a world where negative experiences can be seen to have a dramatic impact on society, it is also important to recognize the positive effect of those who choose to do good. In today’s Daily Steps, we’re going to see how Abraham pleaded with God to consider the lives of the good people who were living in cities that were generally known for being wicked. We’ll see that God’s determination about the fate of these cities hinged upon the presence—or the lack thereof—of people whom He could consider righteous.

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  • What About Ishmael?

    Do you ever get impatient as you wait for God to make His will known in your life? How does God feel about our attempts to bring His will to pass by our own methods? In today’s Daily Steps, we’re going to see that God’s plan and His timing for Abram’s life were not influenced in the slightest by the birth of Ishmael. Abram thought that he had made God’s job easier, but we’ll see that God didn’t share this perspective.

    Music: "Eternity" by Leva via Pixabay

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  • The Lord Has Listened

    Do you ever feel like everything in life is working against you? Do you ever feel alone in your frustration and discouragement? In today’s Daily Steps, we’ll consider the story of a woman named Hagar who was both a giver and a receiver of harsh criticism. We’ll see how God reached out to this seemingly insignificant woman to communicate His value and care for her.

    Music: "Eternity" by Leva via Pixabay

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  • For Future Generations

    It has been said that “patience is a virtue.” Patience is also listed among the fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5. It can certainly be difficult to learn, and especially to endure situations that require us to practice patience. In today’s Daily Steps we’re going to see that God revealed to Abram that his promises would have a delay in their fulfillment. This meant that Abram would be asked to practice a whole lot of patience.

    Music: "Eternity" by Leva via Pixabay

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  • The Rescue Party

    There’s an old saying I used to quote as a kid, “Finders, keepers; losers, weepers.” The principle says that if you find something that someone else lost, lucky you, you are entitled to keep it. I think of those reward posters offering money for the return of a lost pet. Are there people out there who will only return the missing pet if there is money to be had? Why not just do it out of kindness? In today’s Daily Steps we’re going to see how Abram did not ascribe to this mindset, and how his lack of greed enabled him to give God all the glory for his prosperity.

    Music: "Eternity" by Leva via Pixabay

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