• S3 Ep29: Sunday School Class audio from "Don't Send the Finger"
    We take the time to dig a little deeper in our Sunday School Classes after the morning service. May God richly bless you!
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    15 分
  • S3 Ep28: Don't Send the Finger (AKA Sabbath 2)
    In this sermon, Pastor Nick discusses the Sabbath, presenting it as a divine gift from God intended for rest and rejuvenation. Highlighting scripture from Isaiah 58, Pastor Nick underscores the importance of observing the Sabbath to cultivate a deeper relationship with God, promoting faith over frantic attempts to control one’s productivity. This sermon takes the congregation on a historical journey, referencing the Israelites' liberation from slavery and their subsequent hardships in the wilderness. He illustrates that God’s instruction regarding the Sabbath was a command that offered rest and assurance of provision. Instead of viewing a day of rest as a burden, Nick encourages believers to embrace it as a time for spiritual replenishment and service to others. He stresses that by refraining from normal activities, even in our fast-paced modern lives, we allow God to work in our lives and provide for us, fostering joy and prosperity in our relationship with Him. Ultimately, this sermon calls for a reevaluation of how we utilize our time, urging the congregation to rest and care for those in need, thus honoring the purpose of the Sabbath.
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    32 分
    In today's sermon, Pastor discusses the pervasive stress and burnout that many people experience, despite technological advancements that were intended to make life easier. He emphasizes that Jesus invites the weary to find rest through observing the Sabbath, a divine gift meant for rejuvenation and connection with God and family. Pastor shares personal anecdotes to illustrate how societal pressures lead to overwork, often ignoring the restorative purpose of Sabbath rest. He highlights the biblical principles surrounding the Sabbath, underscoring that it was created for human benefit, not as an obligation, urging listeners to reclaim this essential rhythm of life.
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    50 分
  • S3 Ep26: Love Your Haters
    In the final week of the series on basic Christianity, Pastor focuses on the teachings of Jesus as presented in Matthew 5:43-48, specifically during the sermon on the mount. Here, Jesus challenges the common understanding of loving one's neighbor while hating one's enemy by calling his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. Pastor emphasizes that living as part of God’s kingdom requires looking beyond worldly definitions of love and enmity, particularly in a society riddled with divisions and hatreds. He highlights that loving one’s enemies serves as a distinguishing mark of those who belong to God.Through vivid examples, Pastor explains the cultural context of Jesus’ time, where tax collectors were seen as traitorous collaborators with the Roman oppressors. He draws parallels between these biblical instances and present-day scenarios where individuals or groups can be perceived as adversaries. By urging his audience to engage with even those who oppose them, Pastor illustrates that this engagement, grounded in prayer and love, is crucial to embodying the identity of a follower of Christ. He concludes by encouraging listeners to strive for this kind of love, comparing it to aiming for perfection—not in flawless execution, but in the intention of living a life reflective of God’s grace and mercy.
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    34 分
  • S3 Ep25: Salt n Light
    Pastor Nick's sermon "Salt n Light" explores the biblical concept of Christians being salt and light in the world, drawing from Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. By emphasizing the importance of living according to Jesus' ways and standing out from the world, believers are encouraged to be distinctive and impactful. Through the metaphor of salt and light, Pastor Nick highlights the roles of Christians in enhancing goodness, reflecting God's character, and being a beacon of hope. The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder for believers to shine brightly as they live out their faith and positively influence the world with God's love and grace.
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    32 分
  • S3 Ep24: Jesus is Superior (class audio from Hebrews 1)
    We opened our Bible Study with a study on the Cultural Context of Hebrews, moving then into a verse by verse study.
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    49 分
  • S3 Ep23: Basic Christianity: Foundations Matter
    In his sermon "Foundations Matter" from the series "Basic Christianity", Pastor Nick delves into Jesus' teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. Focusing on the metaphor of the narrow gate from Matthew 7:13-14, Nick underlines the critical nature of building our lives on a solid, spiritual foundation and not succumbing to the allure of the wide path that inevitably leads to destruction. He depicts Jesus' vision for Christians' way of life as laid out in His sermon, particularly the narrow gate as a representation of the challenging and less opted for path that opens into life.Nick uses the example of a concealed gate in a forest trail to further illustrate the idea of the narrow gate. He stresses that the easy, popular, and more frequented wide path does not equate to purpose and fulfillment in life. Throughout his sermon, he enlightens the audience on Satan's deceitful tactics to draw them away from the narrow gate - tactics including the undermining of God’s necessity in our life, tearing down familial bonds, dulling spiritual alertness, and enticing with earthly pleasures.Nick bravely points out past mistakes of the church, such as the undue celebrity status accorded to pastors, favoring entertainment over true discipleship, and marginalizing certain social groups. He fervently implores the church to acknowledge these errors, striving instead to anchor its foundation in Jesus' teachings. He ends on a hopeful note, reassuring his audience of Jesus' victory over the world, urging them to construct their lives on the solid foundation of Christ’s doctrines. Nick emphasizes that despite the unpopularity and difficulty of the narrow path, it is the only road leading to genuine life and fulfillment. This summary offers a robust outline of Nick’s sermon and can serve as a tool for generating post-sermon discussions and social media content.
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    48 分
  • S3 Ep22: Who is the "Queen of Heaven" and would you rob God?
    ...Class Discussion on Malachi 3 and Jeremiah 44
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    50 分