
  • Weekly Intuitive 11.2-11.8.20
    We are being offered what we truly want. What brings us joy, what lights us up. But if we shy away from those things, if we make ourselves small, how can we achieve them? This week, choose, the lion or the lamb. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. To Join High Vibe Tv and get all of Lisa Marie's content plus many other contributors: https://highvibetv.uscreen.io/?via=lisa (https://highvibetv.uscreen.io/?via=lisa) For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFoZjF5YWlKNGhvNGF1OWZJTnNtemdCbGswd3xBQ3Jtc0trYTVDWk05YkF0SGh3ZkJmUzhXbmpiMDBzNXdYTnVSalZyYnBRVXlVc2NNYzZPQkxRd1NJTzBQbmdFM1gtY2NnU25DTE9hRGtUSE16M3NKWjlfS0FwcnJOTUdKU0RUcnFia3VHcktYaGVaUmx2RzZuVQ%3D%3D&v=VZ5Qn8Vc5-o&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshaktima.net%2F&event=video_description (https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/) We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below. If you are interested in more channeling, healing, and transformation videos please Subscribe to her YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJKB7qg4rnCMDf9S9hhwLQ (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJK...) Receive a FREE powerful Aura & Chakra clearing https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE1MdkpyTUpmcXVKZlJzR0lVejc0TkhqZnNmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsRmhXMk1hNTVDaUUyZzdwall5czc1MExOZGN5bE5BcU9ROXNCenFLUlZ0SFFtck9ldC1hNGtxQTBBSDR5X1ozd0tJSW4wOVV4dmR2dXRUN0I5RlpLdjRESXJvcDBXbXhsWDZ2cW9mekc2YngyWHZJRQ%3D%3D&v=VZ5Qn8Vc5-o&q=https%3A%2F%2Fconta.cc%2F2Hgp81z&event=video_description (https://conta.cc/2Hgp81z)
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    12 分
  • Weekly Intuitive 10.26-1.1.20
    Our society is often more concerned with being polite then we are with being authentic. The problem with this is that it stifles our true feelings and emotions. In order to stop this social pattern, we must stop the act.
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    13 分
  • Weekly Intuitive 10.09-10.25.20
    We are being given the opportunity to return to our pleasure. This is directly connected to our Inner Child and to our joy.
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    9 分
  • Weekly Intuitive 10.12-10.18.20 -
    Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/ We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    7 分
  • Weekly Intuitive - 9.28-10.4.20
    We are being invited into a deep space of self realization. Face your fear and limitations. Use the energy that is present to align you deeply within your truth. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/ We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below. If you are interested in more channeling, healing, and transformation videos please Subscribe to her YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJKB7qg4rnCMDf9S9hhwLQ Receive a FREE powerful Aura & Chakra clearing https://conta.cc/2Hgp81z
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    7 分
  • Opening up To Receive
    Receiving is an important part of the ebb and flow of energy. Oftentimes, we are quick to give but are uncomfortable with receiving. Lisa Marie - Shakti Ma will help bring awareness and light to the areas where you are limiting your ability to receive. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/ We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below. If you are interested in more channeling, healing, and transformation videos please Subscribe to her YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJKB7qg4rnCMDf9S9hhwLQ Receive a FREE powerful Aura & Chakra clearing https://conta.cc/2Hgp81z #Healing #Meditation #Channeling
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    21 分
  • weekly intuitive - 9.21-9.27.20
    We have believed that action = success but this paradigm is changing. Instead of action in the physical, it is whether our light is lit or not. Now, choices become very important as we begin to speed up the current energies. Within every moment you have the free will to choose how you perceive that experience. This shapes your reality. Choose to keep your light lit. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/ We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below. If you are interested in more channeling, healing, and transformation videos please Subscribe to her YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJKB7qg4rnCMDf9S9hhwLQ Receive a FREE powerful Aura & Chakra clearing https://conta.cc/2Hgp81z #intuitive #weeklyguidance #channeling
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    20 分
  • Weekly Intuitive - 9.14-9.20.20 -
    Do you see the treasures within the boring? Do you speak of the abundance and love that you already are? Now is the time to ensure these things. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother essence -Shakti- in the form of words, energy, and sound. Shakti is the energy of creation, power, force, transformation, and the underlying conduit of all that is. It is tender, loving, compassionate yet raw, fearless, and truthful. From a space of love & compassion, Shakti Ma brings this energy through for healing and transformation. Its multidimensional capacity enables healing on all levels of consciousness through its Divine Intelligence and alchemy. Shakti Ma serves those who are ready for transformation, those who seek the truth, and those who are prepared to connect to higher versions of the Self. For additional channelings, courses, and coaching visit her website at www.shaktima.net Follow her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/shaktima.net/ We would love any of your feedback, comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below. If you are interested in more channeling, healing, and transformation videos please Subscribe to her YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJKB7qg4rnCMDf9S9hhwLQ Receive a FREE powerful Aura & Chakra clearing https://conta.cc/2Hgp81z #Healing #Meditation #Channeling
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    14 分