
  • Becoming More Like Jesus | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Paul says in Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship”. All true worship is essentially a matter of the Heart, an expression of our own greatest treasure, which is the gift of knowing the Lord and walking through life with Him. Worship is a way of life that is expressed inwardly toward Him and outwardly testifies of Him – so touched by Him that people we encounter should see Him in our lives. The question we all need to ask ourselves, “Is my worship only external and my heart dimension does not really lean internally towards Him, where you cry out, “had it not been for the Lord”? True worship involves every part of your spirit, soul and body! Maybe you are not aware that He wants to change and transform you, where its purpose is to put Him on display through the way you live, the way you conduct your life, so that others would be drawn to Him, by what they see in you. Again, the question is asked, “do YOU want to become more like Jesus”?

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  • Who Is Jesus And What Did He Come To Do ? | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    It is imperative that every Christian have a clear and authentic understanding of who Jesus is, what He really came to do, and accomplished during His allotted time on the earth – “A Now Moment”. Do you know the very essence of the person and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ as described in Luke 4:14-21 and Isaiah 53? Our greatest desire should be is to have a deeper and fuller understanding of the Lord’s ministry and be changed to be more like Him in our set appointed time here on the earth in our “Now Moment”. 2Timothy 1:9 states, for God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because this was His plan from before the beginning of time to show us His grace through Christ Jesus. The Lord’s priority is that we live a life that would bring someone to the kingdom of Almighty God – “it is not I who live but Christ who lives in me” – He wants us to Come Up Higher.

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    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • We Are Victorious Over The Devil | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Church, the walk of victory is a challenge! A challenge because we have an enemy who is absolutely determined to steal, kill, and destroy our relationship with God through temptations and trials. Temptation is a fact of life and a force that all of us have to deal with. But the wonderful news of the Gospel is that there is ONE who has gone before us, faced every temptation that we will ever face, and conquered the enemy completely. Temptation in itself is not sin, it's an invitation to sin. The enemy wants to take as many people to hell as he possibly can. He is a cunning, adversary who will do whatever is necessary to derail us from walking in the victory that Jesus has provided for us. Church it is extremely important that we be wise about the way the devil works, so that you do not get caught up in any of his crazy schemes. We can walk in victory, we can refuse the temptations of the enemy, not in our own strength, but because of the One who saved us, redeemed us and who is constantly praying for us.

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    Order Healing Treasures From the Word of God by Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Dr. Sandra Kennedy is a powerful, yet practical Bible teacher who has been training Christians for decades on how to activate God’s Word to receive their healing.

    Watch "Healing Classics"

    Visit our website Sandrakennedyministries.org

    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • Believers and Make Believers | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    This message is speaking to Christians. Are you walking out the “kingdom of God” here on the earth? Do you really know HIM? Are you practicing lawlessness? We need to know that there is a higher calling as we get ready to meet Him and what He wants us to do while we are still here - we cannot do it without being more like Him and looking more like Him. You see we are supposed to be in Heaven before we get to Heaven. We cannot afford to indulge in presenting ourselves as better than we really are, and risk being told, “I Never Knew You” (Matthew 7:21-23). Church there is nothing more important than having a consistent obedient relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s nothing more damaging to your walk with God than to fall into deception that only our good works will take us to Heaven. The question is “are you living in such a way that you know you will hear Him say “well done My good and faithful servant”?

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    New Book Released- Life Changing Sermons For Modern Disciples- Volume 2 ; Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • The Power of Choice | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Do you know the “Power of Choice” (free will) was the greatest risk, God gave to man? So many things in our lives, whether we were liars or cheats or walked uprightly, whatever we've done, all has been done by choice. From God’s point of view, a person of integrity, courage and obedience is a hero. Those heroes listed in Hebrews 11 were faced with challenges, yet they rose to the occasion, met the need, asked for no reward and lived without seeking fame or fortune – they demonstrated their faith by choosing to live a lifestyle of obedience that was consistent with their faith in God. Faith and Obedience are inseparable in our walk with God. The question is are you like Noah, one of the “heroes of faith” making Right Choices that line up with God’s point of view?

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    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • What Does This Mean ? | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Pentecost - “What Does It Mean”? What happened on this day? The biblical feast of Pentecost had been celebrated prophetically by the Jewish people for the giving of the Torah, we too should celebrate, and give Thanks to God for what He has done for giving us the Holy Spirit? Pentecost is one of those events where God wants YOU to remember Him. Pentecost is important because it's a historical inauguration of the church. What happened that day empowers us so that you and I could actually do things that man can't do without God; it shook all of Jerusalem, and it should shake all of us believers now. Hear the Word of the Lord to YOU… are you indeed ready for My fire to fall on you? Are you hungry for the power of My Word to transform and fill your life? Will you burn for Me with a fire that does not hurt but with a power that comes from My Holy Spirit? Will you this day not say “What Does This Mean To Me?

    To watch the entire broadcast on Youtube select here

    Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy's New Book Release, order on line: "Life Changing Sermons for Modern Disciples, Volume 2"

    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • Hold On To What You Know | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    The question is asked in this message, “Are you a disciple for the Lord Jesus Christ, according to 1John 2:3-6”? There are certain things YOU should know! Jesus said, “remember and know what I Am saying, know what the Bible says according to 2Timothy chapter 3, that no matter what anything looks like, no matter if it looks like that, it’s not true, because things are not going to get better; and you need to hold onto what you know from the eyes of the scriptures”. NO, it’s not alright to lull into a lifestyle of complacency, according to 2Corinthians 13:5. The greater the darkness, the greater the need for the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ to shine brilliantly and courageously for the cause of the gospel. Yes, are YOU willing to admit that YOU love God, but do YOU Fear Him, the God of Justice? Are YOU embracing the Holy Fear of God, which is the fruit of loving Him so much that YOU run from anything that would cause YOU to offend Him?

    To watch the entire broadcast on Youtube select here

    Visit our Christian BookStore for Additional Teachings & Books by Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    Visit Sandra Kennedy Ministries Website

    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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  • Selah | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

    It would be so good, if we all could say SELAH when a crisis hits or an unexpected situation comes. Selah, a powerful word, that says, STOP, take a little pause for a minute for peace to come in, that everything's going to be all right, and hear “be still and know that I am God” no need to fear. Pastor Sandra Kennedy says, that when we give into fear, it robs God of the honor that’s due HIM! Yes, we can find and identify ourselves in the Book of Psalms. For example Psalm 46 was written right in the middle of great difficulties, the writer proclaims right up front that God Himself was his security and his safe place. We too, Church, can relate to all the unbelievable things that are happening in our country and around the world, and we too must understand that God alone is our only reliable protector and source of strength when hardships or crises come our way. The secret of maintaining our unshakable confidence in the Lord is knowing that He not only is near us but He will remain within us.

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    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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