DoctorPodcasts Show EPISODE #70:According to #CDC, 110,00 people die in the USA annually from #DrugAddiction overdoses, mostly from opioids & #fentanyl abuse. Find out why and how best to treat it in this interview with addiction expert psychologist, Harris Stratyner, Ph.D. http://StratynerAndAssociates.com. Watch my 70 DoctorPodcasts Show video interview episodes with physicians, scientists and healthcare experts. Here's the complete list of shows by topic: http://DoctorPodcasts.com/index-of-doctoof-doctoof-doctoof-doctoof-doctoof-doctoof-doctorpodcasts-episodes/……. Please SUBSCRIBE & FOLLOW #DoctorPodcasts and LIKE & REPOST/QUOTE the episodes. Send me questions and messages. Thank you.