The story of "Jhala Sardar's Sacrifice" depicts an important incident in Maharana Pratap's life, where Jhala Sardar sacrifices his life to aid Maharana Pratap. This incident beautifully portrays the bravery and valor of both Jhala Sardar and Maharana Pratap on the battlefield. Did Jhala Sardar's sacrifice guide Maharana Pratap towards victory? How did Maharana Pratap avenge Jhala Sardar's death from the Mughals? To find out, listen to Maharana Pratap's Audio Book, exclusively on Audio Pitara. Please share your feedback on this Audio Book in the comments, and share it as much as possible. Also enjoy other interesting free podcasts and audio books only on "Audio Pitara." Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and YouTube @audiopitara.