
  • Project Hope Kicks Off on August 21 at Music on the Square

    Beginning August 21st, Tuscarawas County residents will begin seeing silhouettes placed across nine communities in the county. Each community will display:

        •  One black silhouette – representing deaths in the county

        •  One gray silhouette – representing overdoses per city (that did not result in death)

        •  One yellow silhouette – representing “There is Always Hope”

        •  Yard sign promoting the New Tuscarawas County Hope Line (330) 663-6812

    The silhouettes, 30 across the county, will be placed in highly visible areas. Yard signs will accompany the silhouettes featuring the New Tuscarawas County Hope Line number (330) 663-6812. This is a one call, one person, no redirect number. Rachel, the access navigator, will answer the phone or call you back to help you access the most appropriate substance use and addiction treatment services. She can also provide support and resource information to families or loved ones who have a person struggling with substance use or addiction in their life.

    Participating communities include Bolivar, Dover, Mineral City, Newcomerstown, New Philadelphia, Port Washington, Strasburg, Sugarcreek, Tuscarawas, and the Twin City area (Dennison/Uhrichsville).

    This effort is in response to an all-time record high in overdose deaths in 2020. March of 2021 recorded an all-time one-month record high of overdose deaths in the county. The Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition and Addiction Task Force would like to raise awareness that there is help and there is hope for persons who struggle with substance use and addiction. This initiative is to help community members better understand addiction and to help persons struggling know that help is available.

    “We want to create clear visibility that there are services that can help and that there is always hope,” said Jodi Salvo, Coordinator of the Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition. “We want to continue to encourage our community to seek and share resources and to realize the importance of reaching out and checking in on each other.”

    The silhouettes will be distributed as the initiative is launched on August 21st at Music on the Square in New Philadelphia. Please join us at 4:00pm to hear a recovery story by a local young woman, and a proclamation from a County Commissioner recognizing both National Overdose Awareness Day and National Recovery Month.

    The overall message of this initiative is that Tuscarawas County is a community that cares, and “There is Always Hope.” Residents are invited to attend the August 21st event at Music on the Square and to share the message of hope and the information and resources made available through Project Hope.

    For more information about the local work of the ADC, visit adctusc.org.

    For information about services available in the county, contact the ADAMHS Board at adamhtc.org.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • Hope Sunday is August 29, 2021

    The Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition invites churches to participate in the fourth annual HOPE Sunday.

    The Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition is partnering again with more local churches across denominations to bring hope to communities impacted by issues around mental health and drug addiction. 

    On Sunday, August 29, all Tuscarawas and Carroll County churches are invited to participate in Hope Sunday. It is an opportunity to create awareness around areas of concern in our local communities, and an opportunity to acknowledge the vital role that local churches and community members can play in bringing hope and light to those hurting and struggling. 

    As part of the countywide event, The Ezekiel Project has created a new short film called In One-A-Chord. This film will encourage churches across communities to better understand the difficult issues a person might face and to reach out as a beacon of hope and light in our communities. 

    Participating churches will receive a 4-minute video and are asked to share it with their congregations. Churches will be provided a brief script that can be used before or after the video, along with bulletin inserts that include prayer requests around addiction and information on local resources. Churches will be given all the resources needed to share the event. 

    Last year’s event included participation from 100 churches across Tuscarawas and Carroll Counties. This year we hope to mobilize this effort even further. “We want to share a resonating message with the community that acknowledges that, while life can be hard, each and every person has extreme, unwavering value and purpose,” explained Jodi Salvo, Coordinator of the Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition. “We want each and every person in our county to know there is help and hope when facing substance use addiction and that our community churches are a place where persons can go to find love and support.” 

    Churches interested in participating are encouraged to contact  Jodi Salvo at (330) 440-7320 to receive more information and material. 

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • Youth Vaping - What the Schools See

    This will be the last podcast episode before summer begins. But don't worry - Jodi Salvo and the ADC will be back in the fall before the new school year begins! But on this episode, substitute host Autumn Poland is joined by Diana Smith, Susan Monticelli and Michele Henry to discuss the increase in vaping in our schools.

    Autumn is a health educator at the Tuscarawas County Health Department and the co-chair for the Vaping Task Force within the Anti-Drug Coalition. Diana is from OhioGuidestone and is also a member of the ADC. Susan is a school counselor at Claymont Middle School, and Michele is the assistant principal at Claymont Middle School.

    The Anti-Drug Coalition recently gave "Catch My Breath" presentations at Claymont Middle School. The Catch My Breath program is the only evidence-based program that deals with vaping. Claymont was the first school to incorporate the program to help combat the drastic rise in vaping among school-aged children.

    The increase in vaping is a nationwide problem for schools, teachers and parents for many reasons. Listen as the professionals from Claymont explain why vaping is difficult to find. Vaping devices come in countless colors, shapes, and sizes, and many are made to look like common, everyday items like flash drives. The devices are easily concealable, making it challenging for adults to catch the devices on kids. Vaping products are made like candy for kids, available in all kinds of different flavors. Kids think vaping is harmless compared to smoking, but research shows that is not true whatsoever.

    This is a conversation that all parents need to hear. Even if your child is not vaping, they could be selling vaping products to other kids. It's important for parents and adults to be current with the trends and understand how students are buying, selling, and using these devices.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • What is the 922 Initiative?

    On this episode of the Anti-Drug Coalition Podcast, Jodi Salvo is joined by two special guests to discuss the 922 Iniative in the Twin Cities. Diana Smith from OhioGuidestone and Teri Edwards from the Twin City Chamber of Commerce discuss the program that started 2 years ago to comabt the increase in drug overdoeses and overdoes deaths in the Twin City area.

    Kids in school were asked to draw outlines of their hands. Then, on each finger of the hand, the kids wrote the names of safe, trusted adults in their lives. But what if a child doesn't have a safe, trusted adult to talk to?

    The kids were encouraged to write "police" on one finger to help them understand that police are safe, trusted adults they can turn to. Also, orange signs with hand outlines have been posted around the Twin Cities to mark "safe zones" where kids can report any abuse or drug-related problems they've experienced. Note: "Safe zones" are public locations that have been apprvoed. "Safe zone" signs will never be posted in private homes.

    You can read more about the 922 Initiative here:


    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • The Y2Y Podcast: The Truth Kids Need to Hear About Drugs and Alcohol

    The Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition empowers youth to live drug-free lives. And what better way to connect with the youth in our county than through messages presented by the youth. This podcast episode features members of the Y2Y (Youth-toYouth) group, Brock West and Phebe Farmer, discussing the true story of addiction with local Christian rap musical artist Austin Kamban (Kamban).

    Kamban recounts his experiences with drug and alcohol addiction and how his relationship with God has developed and grown. His faith and belief have fueled his recovery. Kamban talks about how he began his rap career writing secular music, speaking out against God. But God had other plans.

    You see, Kamban's dreams and visions of performing rap music were always real, but he wasn't pursuing them in the way God had intended. Addiction crippled his true potential, and he continued to numb the pain in his life with drugs and alcohol. You'll hear how Kamban allowed God to show him how he was truly meant to pursue his dreams, and now his music is encouraging and inspirational to others in need - just as God had intended.

    Don't miss this powerful episode featuring the truths that kids need to hear about how drugs and alcohol will alter their lives. This conversation between youth and a young adult is exactly what we need to empower our youth to live drug free.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • Suicide Awareness - The Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group

    Our Suicide Awareness mini-series wraps up on this episode featuring the Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group. Jodi Salvo is again joined by Kristie Wilkin and Jenn Dotto from the Suicide Support Group, as well as Natalie Bollon from the ADAMHS Board, to discuss the group in greater detail. You will learn:

    • The mission of the group
    • When the group meets
    • What the group does
    • How the group has helped the community
    • When to get involved with the group (sooner for some, later for others)
    • The new coalition being formed

    Sometimes in life, events occur that fracture the very foundation on which we stand. Our life, as we have known it, is forever changed and we find ourselves in an unexpected struggle, first to survive and then to move forward. We at the Tusc/Carroll Survivor of Suicide Loss Support Group are here to help you cope with a loss to suicide. Our forum is one that recognizes and respects the courage and resilience of suicide loss in all stages of your personal journey. The group is confidential - we also have a confidential Facebook page where we support and communicate as well. We are a part of a group no one wants to join, but we are here for you if you are a survivor of suicide loss.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • Suicide Awareness - Walk into the Light on October 2nd at Tuscora Park

    Our Suicide Awareness series continues with the Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group. On this episode, Jodi Salvo is joined by Kristie Wilkin, Jenn Dotto, and Dawn Hannas (who will speaking at the Walk) to discuss the Tuscarawas and Carroll County 6th Annual Suicide Prevention Walk called "Walk into the Light." The event will be held on Saturday, October 2nd at Tuscora Park.

    • Walk registration begins at 1:00 PM
    • The Walk begins at 2:00 PM
    • Moment of reflection for those lost to suicide
    • Food will be available, as well as raffles and more!
    • All proceeds remain in our local counties for suicide prevention

    Free QPR Gatekeeper training will also be offered during the event (go back and watch our previous episode #51 that provides all the details about QPR training). Email Kristie Wilkin at kwilkin61@gmail.com for questions.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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  • Suicide Awareness - Hope Squad with Tusky Valley School District

    Our Suicide Awareness series kicked off a couple weeks ago, featuring the QPR Gatekeeper training from the Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group. On this episode, Jenn Dotto and Jodi Salvo discuss the Hope Squad at Tusky Valley School District with High School Counselor Mandy EcElwee and High School Principal Jason Phillips.

    What does the Tusky Valley Hope Squad do? TVHS has 30 Hope Squad members who work with outside communities, such as Survivors of Suicide, and they also have trained high school staff to instill resilience among students. The Hope Squad improves school spirit and gives back to the school and the community.

    Suicide awareness is more important now than ever due to the increased stresses and pressures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and school shutdowns. Students are suffering from lack of personal interaction with other students and teachers, and virtual learning and distancing restrictions only make learning more difficult and, for some, almost impossible.

    Tune in to learn how Tusky Valley and the Hope Squad are working to educate and train students about suicide awareness. Their efforts are saving lives and improving their school and community.

    Visit www.adctusc.org for all your information about the Coalition and different types of drug use and prevention.

    Listen at www.getlevelpod.com/adc.

    Or find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

    Watch on YouTube!


    Please help support the show at www.glow.fm/adctusc

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