
  • Interview with Erin Wilkins of Essentially Erin and Freedom Keepers United

    Erin is a mom, a nurse and an empowered woman.  In her interview, she will walk you along her path from her growing up years when she felt the stirring of her intuition and was supported to follow her inner wisdom, through to her choice to have home births in spite of her traditional nursing training that did not endorse alternative healthcare options.  She will share the unique ways life presented her with opportunities to grow and become empowered, and what she does today to empower others.  Listen to her realization that the power to make change in the world resides in unique situations, and hear her describe how listening to her intuition changed her life.  Finally, learn more about her organization “Freedom Keepers United”, a worldwide organization that she co-founded that offers resources and education allowing people everywhere to own their medical freedoms and become empowered to follow their inner voice.

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  • Intuition: Inspiration is given to us, not generated by us

    When you have a new idea, do you think about where this idea originates. Consider that you are a conduit for the energy of the divine, and that all inspiration comes from a higher place. How does this change what you do with your unique ideas? Will you dismiss them or let them die as easily if you consider them a enchanted gift from the Universe. What is intuition and how do we learn to use it. With in each of us is an ability to exercise our listening that is beyond what our ear can hear. Some say it is following your heart or the hunches we feel. It is bringing an awareness to our willingness to hear the answers to our questions. Being intune and staying intune with the infinite is the ultimate goal. This is where all life flows. Ralph Waldo Trine, an early 1900's philosopher, wrote In tune with the Infinite, and on Page 11-15 tells the story of the lotus pond. He said: “There is something in the universe that responds to brave, intrepid thought. The Power that holds and that moves the stars in their courses, fights for the brave and the upright. Courage has power and magic in it.” As we choose to open our mind, heart and life to possiblities and allow the flow of inspiration to flow, we receive all that is possible to live the life we love.

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  • Map Your Life - Design with a Purpose

    Do you have a conviction, that you are on this earth with a purpose, but are not sure how to use it? Getting clear about your path is something we all grapple with through life. There are a few aspects of the process; First, figuring out your purpose, your dream. Then getting curious about the why and how. Finally, putting it out to the Universe, and starting to create the dream.   If you want more information about the full length subscription version of Empowered Today, go to https://empoweredtoday.supercast.com/ and sign up today!

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  • Gratitude is My Love Language... What is Yours?

    Gratitude is the very essence of an energy that changes everything. It can change your chemistry in your body, your minds view on something, the people around you and even your animals and plants. Gratitude is a practice like any good habit or playing an instrument or achieving goals. Practice is important. Daily practice in our words, our awareness, in situations, and more. Finding the good

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  • New Season, New Options... and Bloopers

    Join us as we talk about exciting changes for Season 3, and we share some of our less... shall we say... together moments?  Enjoy the bloopers as we poke a little fun at ourselves.

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  • Frequency of Love and Hate - Consciously choosing the energy in your life

    Science has shown that our energy affects our environment.  Love is at a higher frequency than hate.  In order to get to your best life, you must have a high vibration.  You cannot sustain that frequency and hold on to negative emotions.

    Words & Water

    Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto performed some of the most fascinating experiments on the effect that words have on energy in the 1990’s. When frozen, water that’s free from all impurities will form beautiful ice crystals that look exactly like snowflakes under a microscope. Water that’s polluted, or has additives like fluoride, will freeze without forming crystals. In his experiments, Emoto poured pure water into vials labeled with negative phrases like “I hate you” or “fear.” After 24 hours, the water was frozen, and no longer crystallized under the microscope: It yielded gray, misshapen clumps instead of beautiful lace-like crystals. In contrast, Emoto placed labels that said things like “I Love You,” or “Peace” on vials of polluted water, and after 24 hours, they produced gleaming, perfectly hexagonal crystals. Emoto’s experiments proved that energy generated by positive or negative words can actually change the physical structure of an object. The results of his experiments were detailed in a series of books beginning with The Hidden Messages in Water, where you can see the astounding before and after photos of these incredible water crystals.

    The Power of Gratitude

    In another experiment, Emoto tested the power of spoken words. He placed two cups of cooked white rice in two separate mason jars and fixed the lids in place, labeling one jar “Thank You” and the other, “You Fool.” The jars were left in an elementary school classroom, and the students were instructed to speak the words on the labels to the corresponding jars twice a day. After 30 days, the rice in the jar that was constantly insulted had shriveled into a black, gelatinous mass. The rice in the jar that was thanked was as white and fluffy as the day it was made. This dramatic example of the power of words is also detailed in Emoto’s books.

    How many times a day do we throw our words away? We say things like, “I hate my hair,” “I’m so stupid,” “I’m such a klutz.” We never think that these words bring negative energy into our vibration and affect us on a physical level, but they do. Emoto’s experiments were conducted with water. Why? Because sound vibration travels through water four times faster than it does through open air. Consider the fact that your body is over 70% water and you’ll understand how quickly the vibration from negative words resonates in your cells. Ancient scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. As it turns out, that’s not a metaphor.

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  • A Life of Nutrition; it’s more than what you’re eating.

    How do you decide what to eat?  It is rare to find a conscious eater; most often we continue to eat what our family provided when we were small.  And our nutrition begins in the womb, based on how our mother’s ate.  Most don’t even think about the impact of our dietary choices until we find that we are nutrient-deficient or have developed a disease or condition; diabetes, high cholesterol, auto-immune disorders.  Once they are present, we have to address them, but often that comes with a prescription.  What if we become aware of our eating before we have a problem?  What if we help our children to be conscious eaters from the start?

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    45 分
  • The Hamster Wheel of Disease

    What is DIS-ease.  Where do they start, and when do you know you have an issue.  How can you track your wellness and avoid dis-ease.  What is the connection to the Mind.  How does it impact your immune system and what does that have to do with developing disease.

    Mind-Body Wellness

    University of Michigan Health System (UMHS)


    What is the mind-body connection?

    • Your mind and body are powerful allies. How you think can affect how you feel. 
    • An example of this mind-body connection is how your body responds to stress. Constant worry and stress over jobs, finances, or other problems can cause tense muscles, pain, headaches, and stomach problems. It may also lead to high blood pressure or other serious problems. 
    • On the other hand, constant pain or a health problem like heart disease can affect your emotions. You might become depressed, anxious, and stressed, which could affect how well you treat, manage, or cope with your illness.
    • But your mind can have a positive effect on your health, too. Having a positive outlook on life might help you better handle pain or stress and stay healthier than someone who is less hopeful.


    How do your thoughts and feelings affect your health?

    • Your brain produces substances that can improve your health. These substances include endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and gamma globulin, which strengthens your immune system.
    • Research shows that what your brain produces depends in part on your thoughts, feelings, and expectations. If you're sick but you have hope and a positive attitude and you believe that you'll get better, your brain is likely to produce chemicals that will boost your body's healing power. 
    • Negative thoughts and emotions can keep your brain from producing some of the chemicals that help your body heal. But this doesn't mean you should blame yourself for getting sick or feeling down about a health problem. Some illnesses are beyond your control. But your thoughts and state of mind are resources you can use to get better.


    How does stress affect you?

    • How you handle stress has an effect on your health.
    • When you're stressed or anxious, your body reacts as if it is under attack. Your body releases hormones that speed up your heart rate and breathing, increase blood pressure, and make your muscles tense. This physical reaction is called the fight-or-flight stress response.
    • This stress reaction is good if you need to avoid an accident
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