
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Upcycling Artist Marisa Desales DE/ENG

    Marisa Desales talks with us today about her upcycling art and the philosophy behind her creative process. Colorful and multifaceted, she takes discarded objects and transforms them into something new. From handbags to jewelry and sculptures, she draws inspiration particularly from her Mexican heritage, traditions, and respect for Mother Earth.

    In the program, she also discusses her initial time coming to Europe with a scholarship to study Media and Communications in Spain. Shortly thereafter, she moved to Germany. Similary, although there were many barriers, she used this opportunity to teach others Spanish language cources. Spirituality, and the role of nature are also touched upon. Now an established artist in Göppingen, showcasing her work at her studio, Casa del Jaguar.

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  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Schule ohne Rassismus -ENG

    Friso Fischer, der Sprecher des Jugendrates von Göppingen und Schülervertreter des Freihofgymnasiums, ist unser Gast in unserer neuesten Sendung, während er uns durch das Ereignis führt, das vor dem Rathaus im Rahmen der Aktion "Schule ohne Rassismus" stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus hatten die mitmachenden Schulen in Göppingen zum Aktionstag aufgerufen. Das Netzwerk "Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage" unter dem Motto "Vielfalt feiern" wurde von Kersten Stüven organisiert und von der Stadt Göppingen sowie sieben teilnehmenden Schulen unterstützt.

    Kaufmännische Schule Göppingen, Freihof-Gymnasium, Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, Mörike-Gymnasium, POLIGENIUS Private Schule , Walther-Hensel-Schule,Pestalozzischule

    Unter anderem gab es Tanzbeiträge von Tanzwerk und verschiedene musikalische Darbietungen.

    Eine Aktion, die deutlich die Vielfalt in den folgenden Sprachen zeigt: Philippinisch, Mazedonisch, Rumänisch, Aramäisch, Albanisch, Ukrainisch, Chinesisch, Arabisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Französisch, Englisch und Deutsch. Der Satz lautet: "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar." Der allererste Satz im allerersten Artikel des Grundgesetzes.

    Eine weitere Aktion mit A4-Blätter haben die Schuler*innen gemacht. Mit blaue, grüne, gelbe, rote, orange Blätter mit „SOR“ – (Schule ohne Rassismus) und „SMC“-(Schule mit Courage) buchstabiert.

    OB Alex Maier unterstützte das Event mit einer Rede und ermutigte die Jugend, ihre Aktionen fortzusetzen, indem er betonte, dass sie ihren älteren Mitmenschen in gewisser Weise voraus sind.

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    24 分
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - NaturFreunde International (ENG/DE)

    Mamadou Mbodji, Vice President of Nature Friends International and President of the African Nature Friends, joins us to discuss climate justice. Among other topics, he speaks about the mangrove reforestation efforts in Senegal. These efforts have been a successful cooperative project between Senegal, Gambia, and the Nature Friends. Ending his European tour, he presents the topic of "Frieden geht nur Global - Klimagerechtigkeit und Solidarität" as a guest of the Göppingen chapter.

    The region has been experiencing devastating consequences from global warming. Strengthening the mangrove population through cooperation and fundraising makes a significant contribution to local climate protection. Positive effects include protected shores and coasts from erosion and high waters, as well as improved biodiversity conservation.

    African countries contribute to less than four percent of global greenhouse gas emissions; however, they bear the most dramatic consequences, leading to food scarcity and major ecological consequences.Even Mount Kilimanjaro is melting, and conflicts are erupting due to food scarcity.

    What responsibility do the countries of the global North bear? What efforts need to be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the South? What is the responsibility and financial burden towards greater climate justice? How can global sustainability occur?

    Primary sector: agriculture, fishing, breeding, is a source of livelihood for more than 60% of the population, which is in part dependent on rain that is becoming more variable, causing food insecurity.

    Solution: Mitigation and adaptation are crucial. Drastic reduction, seasonal, regional, and fair products are essential. Finding partnerships and taking personal responsibility are key. Civil society needs to take the lead and cannot wait for governments to act alone. Naturfreunde Göppingen recently celebrated their 100-year anniversary.

    Successes: Since 2013, planting mangoes, lemons, oranges, guava, and local trees has been ongoing."

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    More Info:https://www.naturfreunde-gp.de/veranstaltungen


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamadou.mbodji.5/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturfreunde_goeppingen/

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    41 分
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Spots short films by youth for democracy

    In this program we speak with Linda Rebmann-Musacchio, regional coordinator of one of the 36 locations of this educational training series and two of the youth participants David and Maxi (both (9th grade, WHG Werner-Heisenberg Gynasium High School).

    Thanks to collective engagement including teachers, film producers, the Kunsthalle Göppingen, Staufer Kino, and radiofips with English Breakfast youth were able to take part in this program.

    Students recieved education on the topic of discrimination and reflect on the portayal of characters in film. Class paticipants were also given equipment to use such as microphones and tablets to try their own hand at creating a film on the topic of racism and democracy.

    The initialtive spots was brought about through the support of the German Film academy and was directly aimed as youth, in particular youth living in more rural areas. Its participatory nature brings closer the role of arts and culture in a social cultural context and how it can be used to promote democratic processes and anti discrimination work. The results are shown in movie theaters with the focus on social and cultural engagement with the motto: Kinofest für Vielfalt und Demokratie. Kurzfilme schauen. Miteinander reden. Gemeinsam feiern.

    Students were also able to view a selected film "Die Einzeltäter" whereby the director and producer Julian Vogel enterred in a discussion with students. His trilogy was nominated from a Grimme Award. His film is dedicated to the vicitm's families of political right wing terrorist attacks which took place in Munich 2016, Halle 2019 and Hanau 2020.

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    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage: English Breakfast http://angeline.de/



    Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Göppingen ...

    Freie Waldorfschule Filstal

    Film Die Einzeltäter https://www.zdf.de/filme/das-kleine-fernsehspiel/einzeltaeter---muenchen-100.html#autoplay=true

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    30 分
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Support the Reader's Irish Pub

    🍀📚🎤 Samuel Kengeter and Nina Goldmann are my guests this week on English Breakfast. They discuss the formation of a cultural club and crowdfunding campaign to revive the local Irish Pub, now known as the Reader’s Irish Pub (Irisher Kulturverein Göppingen e.V.). @irish_pub_gp

    The new concept is driven by the passion of old and new fans alike. Run by volunteers, this association is fueled by community spirit and dedication to preserving and celebrating Irish culture.

    It’s not too late to support! Individual contributions make all the difference, through cash donations, vouchers, or even getting a plaque on the wall for a contribution of 500€.

    Liam Cassidy, the previous owner of the Writer's Irish Pub has now taken over the Brünnenhäusle, an outdoor Biergarten which is well visited during the summer months.

    Some of the exciting events planned include: Thurs 7 - 12, Fr 7 - 1, Sa 7- 1

    🎻 Open Irish Music Evenings for instance with the Band Green Passion

    💃 Irish Set Dance (Folk Dance)

    🎼 Dance and Music Workshops

    🧠 Irish Pub Quiz

    🎤 Karaoke

    📖 Lectures/Readings

    🎉 Participation in local cultural events

    🍳 Irish Breakfast

    Support the today! 🍀 #SupportIrishPub #CommunitySpirit #IrishCulture

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    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage: English Breakfast http://angeline.de/


    Instagram:: irish_pub_gp

    Webpage: https://irish-pub-gp.de/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551025170410

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK2JLrwsy6Fvf3lE85xI


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    42 分
  • Bunte Vielfalt statt Brauner Einfalt -DE

    In Deutschland setzen sich die Proteste landesweit fort, nachdem Berichte aufgetaucht sind, dass zwei hochrangige AfD-Mitglieder an einem Treffen teilgenommen haben, um Pläne für die Massenabschiebung von Bürgern ausländischer Herkunft zu diskutieren. In diesem Kontext fand auf dem Schlossplatz in Göppingen eine Demonstration gegen rechtsextremes Gedankengut statt, die als starkes Zeichen für die Demokratie galt. Dies geschah am 27.01. zum Internationalen Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust. Neben zahlreichen Politikern hielten auch Vertreter des frisch gewählten Jugendgremiums Reden. Dabei wurde sich gegen Rechtsextremismus, Hass und Hetze ausgesprochen.

    Wir sehen es als unsere Aufgabe, Göppingen als Stadt der Vielfalt auszuleben und zu fördern‚, sagte Friso Fischer vom Jugendgremium.

    Die Veranstaltung wurde von Göppingen nazifrei organisiert und es gab eine breite Vertretung verschiedenster Gruppierungen. Zu den Rednern gehörten Gabi Merkler von GP Nazifrei, Manuel Schäfer DGB , Hacer Basoglu vom Integrationsausschuss, Leon von GemeinsamINGöppingen, Friso Fischer, Jugendgremium, Eva Epple vom Interkulturellen Frauenrat, Oberbürgermeister Alex Maier, Anja Hartmann von der SPD, Ayla Cataltepe, Mitglied des Landtags und Christina Lipp-Wahl von den Grünen, René Niess von der Linken und die Piratenpartei. #niewiederjetzt #demokratie #solidarität“

    Time Stamps:

    1:51 Gabi Merkler, Kreis Göppingen Nazifrei

    4:08 Manuel Schäfer, DGB

    11:39 Eva Epple vom Interkulturellen Frauenrat

    15:31 Leon von GemeinsamINGöppingen

    21:52 Friso Fischer, Jugendgremium

    26:32 Amidia Tok, Jugendgremium

    30:25 Sabrina Hoffmann, SPD Kreisverband

    36:30 Hacer Basoglu vom Integrationsausschuss

    39:28 Christina Lipp-Wahl & Mariska Ott, die Grüne

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Bshare Khato, Jesidisch Poet, Actor, Author (DE/ENG)

    My guest Bshare Khato is a Jesidish from Iraq who came to Göppingen in 2013. Initially studying Art and Theater in Dahock, North Iraq, he broke his studies since then. In 2008 and 2009, he published two books of poems in the Kurmanji language, which is the northernmost of the Kurdish languages spoken in various regions.

    His original aspiration was to become a teacher were sidetracked but he continues to learn German and be involved in the arts and education of children. In addition to his literary pursuits, he worked as a radio journalist in Sinjar, providing information in Kurmanji and taught the language to those who lacked formal education.

    Bshare Khato wrote his book of poems regarding the Jesidisch Experience followed by second book, titled "Dying is my shadow"

    In our talk he also touches on the significance of Lalisch, a central sanctuary for Jesiden, and Herfa, the spiritual Earth. When Jesiden move to a new country, they bring some of this earth with them to establish a connection with their new home. Lalisch is described as a wooded valley situated over 1000 meters high, surrounded by three mountains—Hizrat, Misat, and Arafat.

    Here in Germany he has also performed in local Theatre and is persuing an apprentiship to become a kindergarten teacher, is an active member of the committee of migrants and wishes to produce children's books.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast http://angeline.de/


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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bshare_khato/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551025170410

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK2JLrwsy6Fvf3lE85xIqg

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  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Albanian Theater with Xhevat Limani and Era Hoxha (ENG)

    Xheval Limani, meets us in studio after his European tour for the performance of the Albanian classical theater production Skanderbeg.

    The Albanian-American actor and director Xhevat Limani and his daughter, soprano Era Hoxha tell us about this famous character and their performance in Stuttgart, supported by the local Albanian club, Albanischer Verein Mutter Teresa.

    As the ledgend goes, the historical Albanian figure, defeats the Otomon empire with 100,000 +, with only a small army of 1200 many of whom were not previously soldiers. Akso, conducting a more huminaritarian war by only attacking those in uniform not those enslaved, women or children.

    The Theatre performance appeals to Albanian dispora especially, Era herself is orignally from Masadona but is now living in Prestina, Korsovo. Xheval Limani, in New York.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast http://angeline.de/


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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1214746428

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xhevatlimani1/


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