Paris, Thimery, Jasmine, and Sunny delve more into the Nahui Ollin Aztec movement of Huizilopochtli and The Pedagogy of the Oppressed book.
Nahui Ollin is the Mexican Indigenous epistemology representing the "four movements." within the Aztec calendar and its physical, spatial, scientific, and philosophical meanings. The four principles are Tezcatlipoca, introspection, Quetzalcoatl, beautiful knowledge, Huitzilopochtli, Will, and Xipe Totec, transformation. (Arce 2017).
Freire, P., & Macedo, D. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 50th Anniversary Edition. Bloomsbury Academic.
Nahui Ollin. (n.d.). Ebrary. https://ebrary.net/30365/religion/apocalypse_world_nahui_ollin