Co-hosts, Austin Tenpenny and attorney Tim Baldwin, introduce their new podcast, The IPA Real Estate Show. In this show, Austin and Tim share a little about themselves; the history of aDoor Properties in Pensacola, FL; why they started this show; and what to expect with this new show.
Learn more here about co-hosts and their respective companies:
aDoor Property Management - https://www.adoorpropertymanagement.com
aDoor Properties - https://adoorproperties.com
aDoor Real Estate - https://adoorrealestate.com
Austin Tenpenny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/austin-tenpenny-64922419/. Email at Austin.Tenpenny@adoorproperties.com.
Tim Baldwin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/timbaldwinatty/. Email at Tim.Baldwin@adoorproperties.com