Episode 1 - Paul Rose on the global theme of Resilient
CreativeMornings are a breakfast lecture series for the creative community
Every month the creative and curious come together in 67 countries across 233 cities to drink coffee, eat breakfast and listen to a talk by someone marvellous.
CreativeMornings/Derby is the Derby chapter hosted by Hana York and you can find all the chapter details at creativemornings.com/cities/dby
This online is from May 2021 and is given by Paul Rose. A self-confessed reluctant teacher and then Headmaster, he has found a way to begin challenging and changing the education system as the founder of YouTeachMe - a platform that recognises and supports teachers and allows children to learn more effectively through the use of technology. Paul talks about how he's often been referred to as being resilient but how it's not always felt like a good thing to have to be.
Find CreativeMornings/Derby at creativemornings.com/cities/dby
Find CreativeMornings/Derby on Twitter and Instargam @cm_derby and Facebook @cmderby
Find Paul Rose at www.youteachme.co.uk
Find Paul Rose on Twitter and Instagram @youteachpaul
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