What is Not Pasta Again all about? It's all about helping you flourish with food. It’s about the emotional aspect around having to provide 3 meals a day for yourself or the whole family and sharing advice and knowledge I have gathered over the years which have eased all of these pressures.
I hope to build a community of like minded people who feel they are currently facing one or some of these issues….
Stuck in a rut with meal choices
Lacking confidence in the kitchen
Overwhelmed with the daily responsibility to provide a meal
Catering for dietary requirements
Trying to provide regular healthy meals the children will enjoy
Controlling the food you eat
Food waste and how to adapt your meal prep to reduce this
If this is you, I really hope the podcast series helps and you find inspiration in the kitchen again. While you listen to the episode why not join
The facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/letsthermomix/
Following me on Instagram my_food_for_thought_
Find out about me and how I work as a Thermomix advisor myfoodforthought.co.uk
Email the show notpastaagain@hotmail.com
Chapter markers
00:00 Introduction
01:42 The Emotional Aspects of Cooking
02:30 Flourishing with Food: Overcoming Kitchen Overwhelm
05:20 About Sam
06:10 Why is this podcast called Not Pasta Again?
07:44 Building a Community around making it easier in the kitchen