This week’s episode is a live recording of Brad and Bryan speaking at a wild game dinner at Brookwood Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. Their pal and former guest of the show, Richie, asked them to speak at this men’s gathering in the spring of 2024. They showed the YouTube film, “Fishing for something bigger than fish,” and then spoke about reflection and intentional storytelling. It was a great night with amazing people and food. If you or your church are looking for speakers for a wild game dinner or men’s gathering, Brad and Bryan would be happy to help. Shoot us an email at thestoriedoutdoors@gmail.com if you’d like to discuss incorporating The Storied Outdoors in your event. #thestoriedoutdoors #storytelling #wildgame #podcast #brookwoodbaptist Use Promo Code TSO For 20% off of your next purchase from www.redbeardsoutfitter.com or in Store We would love to hear from you, if you have any questions, comments, poems, and or recommendations for us, email us thestoriedoutdoors@gmail.com Music written and recorded by Brad Hill.