We fall short trying to heal many health issues for good because their root cause isn’t physical. They result from an energetic imbalance.
This shift was prevalent in 2024 and will be even more common in 2025.
Health issues are often the catalyst for triggering a spiritual awakening.
When you overlook this connection, not only are you likely to remain in a cycle of feeling drained and chasing new symptoms indefinitely, but you also miss out on a larger opportunity for healing, growth and transformation.
You also miss out on what it’s like to feel strong, energized and vibrant in your body.
In this episode, we dive into what a spiritual awakening feels like and how to navigate this expansive, and often confusing, energy.
This episode is for you if you’re ready to awaken your inner wisdom, increase your vitality, lead from your heart and step into your highest potential.
Grab my free healing jumpstart. 12 videos to connect with your energy to heal your body: bethmanningintuitive.com/jumpstart
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