Have you ever been really excited to buy something, only to feel extremely underwhelmed by the satisfaction this thing gives you shortly after purchasing it? Have you ever experienced a negative change in your life that you thought would impact you more negatively than it did? Our body's natural tendency to "get used" to things involves something called hedonic adaptation. We've discussed this on the show before, but we thought it deserved its own episode. So, today we discuss what the research says about how to maximize our well-being by not "getting used" to the good things in our life.
Note: We recorded this episode the day before the World Cup match between the US and The Netherlands. Spoiler alert: The US lost.
Wu, S. (2001). Adapting to heart conditions: A test of the hedonic treadmill. Journal of Health Economics, 20(4), 495-507.
Sheldon, K. M., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2012). The challenge of staying happier: Testing the hedonic adaptation prevention model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(5), 670-680.