Patreon and Paypal link - In this episode, I interview the 10 finalists in The Bennett Prize. I also chat with Ayana Ross, the winner of the last Bennett Prize, and the creators of the prize, Steven Bennett and Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt. The Bennett Prize - @thebennettprize
- Shiqing Deng, Brooklyn, New York - @demodemoooo
- Ruth Dealy, Providence, Rhode Island - @ruth_dealy
Ronna S. Harris, New Orleans, Louisiana - @harrisronnas
Haley Hasler, Fort Collins, Colorado - @haleyhasler
Sara Lee Hughes, Lockhart, Texas - @sara.lee.hughes
Monica Ikegwu, Baltimore, Maryland - @monica165
Laura Karetzky, Brooklyn, New York - @lkaretzky
Linda Infante Lyons, Anchorage, Alaska - @infantelyons_artist
Mayumi Nakao, Brooklyn, New York - @milkshake.jp
Kyla Zoe Rafert, Amanda, Ohio - @kylazoerafert
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