Round 3... Austin and Sydney wrap up their talk on predestination. They talk through verses that some say contradict Predestination, and discuss the "why" behind predestination. Visit this episode's show notes at https://struggleswegrowfrom.com/episode51 Verses Covered: Colossians 1:16 Psalm 19:1-4 Exodus 30:7 Isaiah 14:7 Ephesians 2:8-10 2 Peter 3:9 1 John 2:2 John 3:16 Ephesians 1:1-14 Give a one-time donation: https://paypal.me/strugglespodcast?locale.x=en_US Show Notes: https://struggleswegrowfrom.com/episode51/ Visit our Fall Series in the shop: https://struggleswegrowfrom.com/shop/