'Overcoming' can be a difficult and daunting task, especially when faced with personal struggles and academic pressures. In our first episode, Beth, who is autistic, anxiety-ridden, and a trauma survivor, recounts her struggles and her life-long journey of self-discovery. Rather than trying to fit into preconceived molds or forcing oneself to conform to certain expectations, Beth encourages everyone to explore your own ways of managing well-being. Your mental health does not define who you are.
Podcast series created and directed by Takoua Jendoubi (Dr)
For more information and to access the transcript: www.ucl.ac.uk/statistics/accessgranted-podcast
Date of episode recording: 2023-06-30
Duration: 00:32:18
Language of episode: English
Presenter: Zhitong Li; Yuxin Zhu
Guests: Beth Woolley
Producer: Zhitong Li, Yuxin Zhu