Hosts: Ninjah & Chernie go at it alone yet again due to the increasing unreliability of modern women. We break down red flag careers as well as symptoms that you could be dating a narcissist, deadbeat, delusional succubus of grand proportions. As usual, We look forward to entertaining you and providing you with advice to combat the rampant hoeflation our generation is tasked with facing! patreon.com/TheGoodFaithPodcast https://open.spotify.com/show/0PuQWnlYPmu5RdvaEJ03WU?si=_5VKJV2_RACmOuJFpjflng https://podcastsconnect.apple.com/my-podcasts/show/the-good-faith-podcast/5549d8a9-9fb8-4dea-8be2-c256f13482b3 https://dashboard.rss.com/podcasts/the-good-faith-podcast/ www.youtube.com/@GoodFaithPodcast