If we want to increase our happiness through money we should find ways to make more of it so we can buy more of the things that will make us happier, right?
While reasonable enough, that doesn’t seem to work very well. There are plenty of miserable millionaires and billionaires. “Mo’ money, mo’ problems.”
The critical link between money and happiness is learning to focus on the ways we spend our money rather than devising ways to accumulate more of it.
Sounds simple, right? Yeah, not really.
But what if I told you there were a few shortcuts you could employ to raise your happiness quotient (your HQ) through the power of money?
If you’re ready to unlock the shortcut, let’s get started!
Full transcript can be found here:https://jimmyglenos.com/2024/04/25/money-cant-buy-happinessor-can-it/
Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at https://jimmyglenos.com/
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