Are you coming to Kosmic Kingdom this year? If you are, who are your most anticipated sets?
Let us know through social media! Our podcast's Instagram and Twitter: @ShaunAndLydHH.
Kosmic Kingdom's website and social media:
- https://www.kosmickingdom.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/kosmickingdomfest
- Shaun Johnson - @ShaunSJohnson on everything
- Lydia Johnson - @Lyddz on Instagram
Our two asks of you, our dear listeners:
1. Please rate, review, and subscribe on your favorite podcast network! It really does help! 5 stars and some review text goes a long way. Much love.
2. Write us letters, notes, or topics through our social media feeds, or you can send us an email at ShaunAndLydia@gmail.com. We love to hear from you all about this show, which is a labor of love. Shaun and Lydia Happy Hour is @ShaunandLydHH on Twitter and Instagram.
Show love; give love.