Radical honesty is something that challenges our lives and the way we live day-to-day. In mental health and addiction recovery, radical honesty does lead to radical healing.
Manda Carpenter knows this firsthand, surviving trauma as a child and then moving into adulthood with related trauma symptoms and other challenges. Now, she works as a foster parent to support other children who go through similar experiences.
"I believe that God uses the catastrophes of our life to be the catalysts of our calling." - Manda Carpenter
In her new book, Soul Care to Save Your Life: How Radical Honesty Leads to Real Healing, Manda shares her own personal journey and drops some gritty and real examples of how being ruthlessly honest can lead to living a more authentic life.
Manda Carpenter is a writer, speaker, and advocate committed to helping people grow in their relationship with God, self, and others. She is a neighbor, question-asker, and cheerleader of the underdog. Manda and her husband, Eric, are foster parents and hosts of A Longer Table Podcast. They live with their son, Shia, in Los Angeles, California. Her first book, Space, is a 30-day devotional for women, and her new book, Soul Care to Save Your Life releases on August 9, 2022. For more, check out @mandacarpenter on Instagram and visit www.mandacarpenter.com.
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