Episode 149 of our book read/podcast covering major topics in various fields of psychology moves us into something new, with a discussion of FAN PSYCHOLOGY! This Spring we are going to be going chapter to chapter in a book we both co-authored. Here you will find commentary, discussion, and insights on what drives fan behavior!
In this episode Daniel and Thomas discuss emotions in the context of what media we consume and what groups we are apart of. We talk O.J. Simpson, Palestine and Ukraine, and Star Wars in relation to emotional states, the celebrity/reality TV environment, and how it’s all used to manipulate us into our next topic…
PSD Website: https://psychosocialdistancingpodcast.com/
Thomas' Webpage: https://sexography.org/
Thomas' Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBrooks_SexPsy
Daniel's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScienceInChaos
Intro and Outro Theme and Bias Jingle by Jordan Jones