Effectiveness of postural interventions in cerebral palsy: umbrella systematic review.
Monica Toohey , Remy Blatch-Williams , Kristian Budini , Astrid Ferreira , Alexandra Griffin , Ashleigh Hines , Michelle Jackman , Karin Lind , Jill Massey , Maria Mc Namara , Jenna Mitchell , Catherine Morgan , Esther Norfolk , Madison CB. Paton , Daniel Polyblank , Sarah Reedman , Iona Novak
The objective of this umbrella systematic review was to summarize and evaluate the evidence for postural management interventions in cerebral palsy published since Gough's 2009 paper. We have expanded the scope of the review from passive continuous postural management to include active postural control interventions. Many interventions show positive effects on postural outcomes including range of motion, spasticity, pain, hip migration, gross motor function, hand function, gait parameters,
In conclusion, our umbrella systematic review evaluated the evidence for postural control and postural management interventions in CP, since Gough's seminal 2009 paper. Despite numerous interventions showing positive effects on various postural outcomes, such as range of motion, spasticity, and gross motor function, the overall quality of evidence remains low to very low, limiting the certainty of conclusions and recommendations. The lack of certainty and population heterogeneity poses