Behavior and belief change are a fundamental parts of coaching others or yourself be it in the gym, in your career, or in day to day life. Yet it's often glossed over and is a soft skill many coaches never learn about. Anyone else experience the hard ass authoritarian coach that said their way or the high way? Yeah they should've listened to our guest Shelly. Luckily you can and hopefully bring some of those coaching aspects to your own coaching and training.
Introducing Shelly Belk 0:00
What does this coaching look like? 1:12
What is behavior/belief change? 7:50
Models of Change 17:13
Micro Wins 24:18
Eliciting Change in Others 29:50
Eliciting Change in Yourself 38:07
Final Thoughts 48:38
Where to find us
Shelly Belk
James Harris
@James.BrentwoodBarbell @BrentwoodBarbellClub
Wyatt Christiansen