History has certainly never failed to offer reasons and occasions to cause violence of all sorts; making it understandable how Freud arrived at the following verdict towards the end of his life: “Homo homini lupus—man is wolf to man. Who in the face of all his experience of life and of history, will have the courage to dispute this assertion?” One form of violence in particular has played an especially sinister role, at least in recent history and continuing up to the present: the destructive power of narcissistic hatred. Support us on Patreon and get the scripts to the episodes: www.patreon.com/lives Our youtube-channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LivesoftheUnconscious Visit our website: www.psy-cast.org Donation via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=QH82X6SWVJ9LY