Sonja and her son James chat about Tiny Epic Tactics, travel games, TBGS Merch, and why they play games. 00:00 Intro 00:25 Tiny Epic Tactics 04:28 TBGS Merch 07:53 Why Do You Play Board Games? 13:21 Emperor’s Workshop (Game Mats and Dice Trays) 18:10 What’s New on the Channel 21:06 Outro If you have suggestions for merch or questions for Sonja or James, send them to: thatboardgameshow@gmail.com TBGS Merch: https://thatboardgameshow.creator-spring.com Tiny Epic Tactics | Solo Showcase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM9byutsHK4&pp=ygUmdGhhdCBib2FyZCBnYW1lIHNob3cgdGlueSBlcGljIHRhY3RpY3M%3D Game of Trains | Overview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o253C6x9Aw&pp=ygUjdGhhdCBib2FyZCBnYW1lIHNob3cgZ2FtZSBvZiB0cmFpbnM%3D Emperor’s Workshop: https://emperorsworkshop.co.za/ –– Discover more from That Board Game Show – https://bio.site/ThatBoardGameShow/