In this episode, we talk about Army SSG Donna R. Johnson, who tragically lost her life along with two others on their deployment. We learn about Donna as a person and a soldier, but we also talk about the battle that her wife, Tracy had to fight during this tragic time. The Hero WOD dedicated to Donna is simple but can be deceiving with the sheer amount of reps that come along with it. Remember is not about completing the workout, but keeping the fallen hero in your mind, body, and soul while you tackle these mentally and physically challenging workouts.
Also, remember the matching donations of up to $100 per person for the Navy Seal Foundation and Fisher House Foundation, you were integral to the support of the families and loved ones in these situations.
For any news concerning the podcast, where to find the workouts, and post and share pictures of completing the workouts you can follow these social media platforms and I will share them on the podcast:
Twitter: @SweatNvrForget
Facebook group: Sweat & Never Forget