A short interlude for an intimate, open and deeply familiar chat with our hosts Victoria and Sashka Some themes explored in this conversation include… Expectations Entitlement “Early death” Finding the both/and “Foreboding grief” Victoria on Sashka… First and foremost, I’ve known Sashka for lifetimes. She’s one of those women who enter your life and there’s deep knowing of each other on a cellular level. I don’t even have to look at a menu when I go out to eat with Sash because even though our taste buds are very different, she can feel exactly what would be my perfect order. Layered on top of our cellular connection, there’s the commonality of what it means to move through the world as a woman who has lost her mother from way too young of an age. She was 18 when her mama transitioned and while our struggles and lessons have been different, there are things that we can talk about in such a way that other friends of mine who haven’t understood this level of loss and change just don’t have the same understanding of. What I’m realizing in both of these points, is the nonverbal communication, the quantum connection that we have access to together. It’s quite exquisite. It’s sophisticated and refined and graceful and beautiful. It’s the kind of communication that is too subtle for many to pick up on but maybe the strongest indicator of true collaboration. Sashka loves to play the game of… Oh there’s a problem to solve? Let’s figure it out! She comes at strategy from a baseline of curiosity. It’s playful. It’s (one of) the superpower(s) she learned from her grief-work, to soften around the stuckness, the hurdles. The hurdles often leave people feeling like they no longer have access to choice. Sashka takes the hurdle and says, how much would it cost to rent a plane to fly over it? But what is the carbon foot print of that decision? Is there a way we can fly over it ourselves? Can we take a running leap? Can I get us enough headway to make the jump? Will there be snacks on the other end? She doesn’t give up. She finds playfulness in the challenges that life brings to us. Her resilience is quite breathtaking. Sashka on Victoria… When Victoria and I were introduced by our mutual friend, it was with a knowing wink of, “I think it’s time you meet”. I remember our first conversation having a volley to it that I’d mostly never experienced with someone, it spanned work, childhood, life and death in a way only someone who had lost their mother could understand. It made me feel at home. Every day that I’ve had Victoria in my life I am reminded that it is not only possible to survive a life that at times, felt wild and broken, as long as you have people around you that are learning to navigate the waves of grief and healing as skilled sailors keeping our heads above water. Victoria’s mama transitioned when she was so little, leaving her a path of untangling. She took the feeling she was left with, the fear and loneliness and confusion and transmuted it into something expansive, loving and playful, a feat I am never not in total awe of. There is a magic quality Victoria has, deep inside her bones, that is the gift of allowing anyone around her to feel safe and really seen, with a disarming knowing, without shame or judgement. She sees underneath and behind, above and inside with the deepest insight, curiosity and love. I think this is both innately who she is, molded by her life and losses, generations of family history but it is also very much on purpose and a skill she has made it important to hone. She has spent her life teaching her system to listen first because it is both what she needed when she was younger, but also what is needed for anyone to access change and a new way of existing. She knows that without safety and the vulnerability of real connection, we are all tethered to the things that keep us stuck, that keep us from rising. Victoria has dedicated her journey to helping others find their rise.