Have you ever wanted to do a cleanse but didn't know where to start?
Does a 30 day cleanse sound a bit intimidating?
If you answered "yes" to both the questions above, then tune in as Janet and I discuss the importance of doing a cleanse and how not all cleanses are equal, some could actually hurt you.
The right reset may be just what you need to get your body-mind-spirit back in the frequency of flow.
For more on energy medicine, visit www.debbiesodergren.com
Intuitive Readings This is a quick, potent energetic boost when you need it most. During your intuitive reading I will tap into the spiritual realm and connect with spirit guides to interpret your message. Explore your love, work and personal relationships or ask for an open reading and see what messages come up for you and gain guidance to move forward fearlessly with your life choices. https://debbiesodergren.as.me/?appointmentType=33518444
Community I am opening up a community because I have been looking for a way to help more people and answer their questions in a private group setting. I want members to know that they are not alone in their struggles and questions and that by joining a community to meet their needs, they will feel connected and not alone. https://the-live-love-lead-community.mn.co/landing?from=https%3A%2F%2Fthe-live-love-lead-community.mn.co%2Ffeed%3Futm_campaign%3Dmy_networks_reminder_billing%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dtransactional_emails
Oracle Deck This vibrational deck can be used as a sacred tool to assist you in achieving your goals. As we shift in our vibrational frequency and release the limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, sometimes, we hesitate and want a nudge from the universe that we are on the best path. Use this deck to receive guidance from /source and as a confirmation for when you need that nudge. https://www.amazon.com/Vibrational-Energy-Oracle-Debbie-Sodergren/dp/1647755549/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MU3R0W2KNN60&keywords=debbie+sodergren&qid=1658314453&sprefix=debbie+sodergren%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-3
Intuitive Readings -- This is a quick, potent energetic boost when you need it most. During your intuitive reading, I will tap into the spiritual realm and connect with spirit guides to interpret your message. Explore your love, work, and personal relationships or ask for an open reading and see what messages come up for you and gain guidance to move forward fearlessly with your life choices.
Meditations -- yes, meditations were one of THE TOOLS that literally saved my life. I was so changed by them and have so much gratitude for them that I started a weekly meditation group. I mean, the power of meditation is life-changing. I am living proof. Head over to my site and take a listen for yourself and remember to do two things: share it with someone AND leave a 5-star review ;)
Oracle Deck -- This vibrational deck can be used as a sacred tool to assist you in achieving your goals. As we shift in our vibrational frequency and release the limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, sometimes, we hesitate and want a nudge from the universe that we are on the best path. Use this deck to receive guidance from /source and as a confirmation for when you need that nudge.
Check out these resources on my website, www.debbiesodergren.com