We all know what it's like when "life is lifing"! It seems like there is always a bump in the road throwing us off our game. But what we found is how we navigate those bumps can make ALL the difference.
Listen as we talk through the bumps we know are coming and the ones we don't. Both need to be handled, but may take a different approach. Even the bumps we plan for could pivot and take a turn.
One thing we know for sure is that we can't let our old all or nothing mentality take over and derail our progress. And we also can't let 1 "bad day" turn into a month or more of us saying we will pick back up tomorrow or start again on Monday.
It's just a bump. So pick yourself up and keep it moving!
Follow Justy & Steph on Instagram, where they share their weight loss journey and road to living a happy & healthy lifestyle.
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