On this episode presented by Busey Bank, Josh gets the chance to catch up with Mich Hancock, the Co-Founder and License Holder of TEDx St. Louis, an independently organized TED Event, and the connection they share dating back to 2021 when Josh presented his TEDx talk (https://www.ted.com/talks/josh_allen_changing_our_culture_by_watching_our_waste?subtitle=en). She’s also the CEO of 100th Monkey, a digital marketing agency that specializes in human-to-human interactions They talk about the history and her vision for TEDx St. Louis, how her marketing work uncovers other business challenges that need to be addressed, and how her work with kindness is opening new doors for her into the future. Mich is a wonderful advocate for her community and a leader in amplifying what St. Louis is doing better than most. Let’s roll…