We continue our Guadalajara trip with https://www.instagram.com/djrickmonsta/ (DJ RickMonsta), https://www.instagram.com/brozo06/ (Brozo), https://www.instagram.com/deonna_xoxo/ (Deona), https://www.instagram.com/balta.ramirez/ (Balta,) https://www.instagram.com/rickybreeze/ (Ricky Breez), https://www.instagram.com/robmonsta/ (RobMonsta) and https://www.instagram.com/ang.r0306/ (Angela) and find out about the viral video they made, an unofficial wedding happens, south side Bill Murray of Rockford makes an appearance in Mexico and the rest of their weekend. Follow us on https://www.instagram.com/that_one_time_podcast/ (Instagram) and https://www.facebook.com/That-One-Time-101457485000180 (facebook) to see clips and pics from the trip. Everyone will be tagged on our instagram page so go ahead and give these guys a follow. Dont forget to hit the subscribe button where ever you stream your podcasts from so you dont miss any episodes.