
  • Courageously Used by God - No Matter What

    Regardless of how out-of-control our world appears, God still sits on the throne and is working out His life-giving plan. What's more, He wants to use us to bring hope and light to others. Join host Carol McCracken and guest Robert J. Morgan as they discuss principles and truths that enabled first century evangelist Paul to live with bold faith, joy amid painful circumstances and eternal impact and with an ever-deepening relationship with the Lord who empowered Him to thrive, no matter what.

    (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions. Inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.)

    Resource references: Whatever Happens: How to Stand Firm in Your Faith When the World is Falling Apart

    Find Robert J. Morgan

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    Find Carol McCracken:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What most resonated with you in this episode?
    2. What are some ways you "preach" to yourself when anxious thoughts grow?
    3. What are some of your favorite promises recorded in Scripture?
    4. What might it look like to both acknowledge today's challenges while also finding ways to rejoice? What are some truths (biblical promises, God's character, etc.) you can rejoice in?
    5. What is one verse you might choose to reflect on, memorize, and regularly bring to mind to quiet your anxiety?
    6. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Bonus: Receiving All God Has For Us With Mike Donehey, 10th Ave North

    Bonus content!

    When life feels challenging, or our dreams or something we love feels threatened, our anxiety often tempts us to cling all the more tightly to whatever we fear losing. But after courageously stepping back from music for four years, Mike Donehey, lead singer for 10th Avenue North, discovered the difference between clinging, figuratively, to sifting sand and receiving all God has with open hands. Closed fists might allay our worries temporarily, but they also tend to block us from God's best. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) (Inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.)

    Find Mike Donehey, his band, and their tour dates on their website

    Follow them on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

    Find their music on Spotify.

    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. Are you more apt to view God's desire for you in terms of your performance or your presence, and how has this affected your your anxiety?
    3. What are various ways people tend to resist God's peace in their lives?
    4. What are some apsects in your life that might most challenge your ability to receive God's peace?
    5. What area of your life are you holding onto too tightly?
    6. What might open-handed living look like in your current season?
    7. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Faith-filled Faithfulness in Political Uncertainty

    Every election season seems to grow more unsettling than the previous. This is especially true in a world where AI can create such realistic appearing yet false content. But we can rest in this truth: God retains full control, regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, gets voted into Senate, or sits on the bench of the Supreme Court. As we deepen our knowledge and trust in His unchanging nature, He empowers us to live faith-filled, faithful lives in every season, election included. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)

    Find James Spencer:

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    Discussion/Reflection Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. Why is it important to seek God's guidance before attempting to right a wrong or "fix" a situation?
    3. What did James and Jennifer's discussion on the pagan king (Cyrus) who sent God's people back to Jerusalem with abundance reveal regarding God's character and heart?
    4. How did their discussion on Daniel's actions during his time in exile impact you?
    5. How can we live faithfully in this generation?
    6. Why is it important to hold an eternal view of today's circumstances?
    7. What is one action step God might be encouraging you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Navigating Difficult Relationships

    We all have those certain relationships that create more tension and anxiety than joy. Sometimes, this occurs with individuals we can't avoid; other times we're prayerfully trying to figure out how to heal relational tension and experience deeper and more fulfilling connections with those who mean a great deal to us but with whom, for various reasons, we experience ongoing conflict. In this episode, host Jennifer Slattery and guest and Bible teacher Carol McLeod discuss truths recorded in Colossians that, when applied, can help us experience more peace, and less conflict and anxiety, in our most difficult or confusing relationships. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)

    Resource referenced: Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture

    Find Carol McLeod:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. In what relationships do you most need Christ's perfect wisdom?
    3. What are some ways you can grow in Christ-led wisdom?
    4. What are some promises recorded in Scripture that can increase your hope in regard to your most challenging relationships?
    5. How might it be helpful to prayerfully consider the full extent of our emotions when others hurt us as part of our forgiveness process?
    6. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Practical Ways to Dial Down Depression With Dr. Len Lantz

    Depression is a complex issue that often has numerous causes or contributing factors. In this episode, Dr. Len Lantz, a psychiatrist known for working with clients suffering from treatment resistant depression, shares why it's important to receive an accurate diagnosis and practical ways one can dial down their depression while pursuing freedom. (Scroll down for reflective/discussion questions.)

    Resources mentioned:

    UnJoy: Hope and Help for 7 Million Christians With Depression by Dr. Len Lantz (Please note: read ch 12 with caution and insight and support from a mental health professional)

    Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky

    Find Dr. Len Lantz on his website

    Find his articles on ThePsychiatryResource.com

    Follow him on Facebook and LinkedIn

    Reflective/Discussion Questions:

    1. What most stood out to you in this episode?
    2. How would you describe your current level or experience of joy?
    3. Consider your thoughts. In what ways do they tend to pull toward negativity?
    4. How might thought balancing help you develop and/or maintain a more positive outlook?
    5. How might it be helpful to remember that self-care tools require perseverance?
    6. Who can you reach out to for support in your current season?
    7. What is one action step God might be encouraging you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Exploring the Roots of One's Depression

    While sometimes depression hits without any known or perceivable cause, other times it stems from, or is exacerbated by overwhelming circumstances and situations involving those we love. But while we can't always control the things that impact our emotions, there are helpful things we can choose. In this episode, hosts Jennifer Slattery and Carol McCracken talk with therapist Stefanie Rowe about some of depressions roots and why it's important to seek help sooner rather than later. Bible passage discussed: 1 Kings 19 (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)

    Sermons referenced in this episode (presented by Stefanie):

    How to Navigate Depression

    Helped, Hugged, Heard

    Link to the mug mentioned in this episode: https://thehappygivers.com/collections/its-ok-collection

    Find Stefanie Rowe:

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    Find Carol McCracken:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. In what ways might your current circumstances feel overwhelming?
    3. How might your level of emotional involvement in other people's problems impact your current mental state?
    4. How does it feel to know that godly people like Mother Teresa and the Old Testament prophet Elijah experienced depression?
    5. How does it feel to know that God moves close to you in your pain (even if you can't "feel" His presence)?
    6. As depression thrives in isolation, and also tends to pull us to isolate ourselves further: what is one way you can connect with others this week?
    7. Who is one person in whom you can find support when you feel depressed?
    8. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • Why We Don't Have to Fear Death

    Many people fear death and the process of dying. This can lead to enslaving behaviors like obsessively following health trends, avoiding airplanes, or losing the ability to think of much else when our loved ones travel. But God doesn't want us to live in fear and has provided numerous truths in Scripture to assure us of His presence in our every moment, including when we pass from this present earth, and of the joy that awaits us in paradise. In this episode, hosts Carol McCracken and Jennifer Slattery discuss some of the underlying causes for our fear of death and biblical truths that can help us view our eternal future with anticipation rather than fear. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions)

    Bible passages referenced: Luke 8:40-45; Acts 7:40-55; Romans 8:31-29; 2 Samuel 12:15-23; Isaiah 7:16

    Book referenced: In Light of Eternity: Perspectives on Heaven by Randy Alcorn

    Find Carol McCracken:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. What most frightens or unsettles you when you think of death?
    3. Which of God's unchanging character traits can speak to those fears?
    4. What might God be communicating to you through the passage about Stephen, the first Christ-follower killed for his faith?
    5. What might God be communicating to you through His assurance of His love in Romans 8?
    6. What might God be communicating to you through Jesus' statement to the repentant thief on the cross?
    7. What is one action step He might want you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • How God Prepares us to Carry Our Dreams With Musician Bay Turner

    The late Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once wrote, "The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he's ready." We've probably all heard of or read stories of fallen faith leaders to understand the truth in that statement. Considering this, what if our greatest setbacks and disappointments in pursuit of our God-given dreams are actually evidence of His love and grace? When doctors told Bay Turner that, due to his cut vocal cords, that he might never sing again, he felt into a dark and angry place. But God used that season of intense pain to bring about incredible beauty, as He's promised to do for all of us (Rom. 8:28). (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)

    Song referenced: "Brand New"

    Find Bay Turner:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. Who in your life most inspired, or inspires, you to live for Jesus?
    3. When you feel angry or in pain, are you most apt to turn to Jesus or withdraw from Him, and what most impacts your tendencies?
    4. When has God used a setback or painful season to deepen your faith and intimacy with Him?
    5. Why is the strength of our character so important when it comes to maintaining the strength to carry God-given dreams?
    6. What are some ways you intentionally connect with Christ?
    7. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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