Balance bikes are great for children who aren't yet pedalling. Karen Wood, who has been a leading light in the UK's balance biking community, and who has recently launched the KidVelo brand of balance bikes, tells us how she got into the balance biking industry and what it's like to launch a new balance biking company. Oh, and why balance bikes are so great!
02:37 - Stabilisers vs balance bikes
05:23 - Buying a balance bike
09:24 - Interview with Karen Wood from Kidvelo - setting up a balance biking business - twice!
20:25 - Balance Bike recommendations
22:09 - Brakes on balance bikes
23:10 - How to use a balance bike
27:46 - Secondhand balance bikes
31:14 - Balance bike accessories
Below you can find links to all the products referenced in the podcast.
Some of these do contain affiliate links, which mean we may get a small commission if you make a purchase. This helps us keep the podcast running.
Balance Bikes
Black Mountain - balance bikes that convert into pedal bikes
Bike Club - lease a balance bike for a small monthly fee
KidVelo - Karen Wood's company specialising in balance bikes
Hornit AIRO - very lightweight balance bikes
Second hand balance bikes - there's a really good market in second hand quality balance bikes - whether you're buying or selling
Strider Bikes - the bikes Karen Wood started out with
Vitus Nippy - great value, lightweight balance bike
Balance biking accessories Carribob Strap - for carrying a balance bike when it's not in use
Kids sized cycle helmets - good idea if your child starts to go further and faster and may come off
Tigo Gloves - come in small sizes for little hands
Tassles - for adding fun to your balance bike handlebars