
  • 1439 你累了嗎?只要做這件事就可以遠離競爭|用英語聊上個假期

    今日格言:If you’re able to be yourself, then you have no competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence. 如果你可以做你自己,那你就沒有競爭的對象,你只要做的就是越來越接近本質就可以了!

    Day 13日記問題

    Where did you spend your last holiday? Talk about it. 上個假期你是怎麼度過的,聊聊那次的旅行。

    I went on a two month Eurail journey around Europe in 2019. I was in 12 countries in 2 months and used couchsurfing for my accommodations! I made a series of podcasts to talk about that experience. You should check them out. 我在2019年了兩個月的環歐火車,然後在兩個月內去了12個國家,並且用沙發衝浪的方式來找我的住宿。我做了一系列的播客去討論我的那次經驗,你應該去聽聽看。(學英語環遊世界1304-1361集)

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  • 1438 為正在受苦的人祈福|英語回答:你通常度假都住哪裡?


    Isn’t everyone part of everyone else? 每個人不是每個人的一部分嗎?

    Day 12 日記問題:

    Where do you usually stay when you’re on holiday? (e.g. hotel, hostel, resort, B&B, airbnb, family, camping) 通常你度假的時候都住在哪裡?

    I usually use airbnb and couchsurfing when I travel because it’s cheaper and you get to experience the local life. I love staying in hotels and resorts though, it’s cleaner and the service is usually better.







    ❤️喜馬拉雅電台:學英語環遊世界 FLYWITHLILY


    ❤️ 我的英語故事 Fly With Lily

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  • 1437 你可以這樣看生活|用英語回答關於「野營」的話題


    Life is a big canvas, throw all the paint you can. 生活就像一張大畫布,揮灑上所有你想要的顏料。

    Day 11 日記問題:

    Do you ever go camping? What do you like (or dislike) about it?  你去野營嗎? 你為什麼喜歡/不喜歡野營呢?

    Yes, when I was young I joined the girl scouts so we went camping a couple of times. I don’t particularly like it because sleeping outdoors and with a bunch of strangers is very uncomfortable for me. There are lots of mosquitos during the night and it’s just not very convenient when you need to cook outdoors. However, each trip was fun and memorable.






    ❤️喜馬拉雅電台:學英語環遊世界 FLYWITHLILY


    ❤️ 我的英語故事 Fly With Lily

    Spotify https://reurl.cc/yQDA28

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/DdKOWd

    ❤️ 我的網站


    ❤️ 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號

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  • 1436 你找到了使命了嗎?|用英語回答最喜歡的城市


    You’re the only person on earth who can use your ability. 你是你這地球上唯一可以使用自己能力的人。

    Day 10日記問題:

    What’s your favorite city, why? What can you do there? 你最喜歡的城市是?為什麼?你可以在那裡做些什麼?

    My favorite city is Barcelona! I love it because I used to live there and I found lots of activities to do there. It’s impossible to be bored. When the weather is warm you can go to the beach. At night, there are countless restaurants and bars you can go to. Also, there are so many international meetup events. So you can keep yourself busy every day.


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  • 1435 環球夢想成真的三大要素|用英語回答最喜歡的國家

    It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. 計畫和希望需要的精力是一樣的。


    Day 9日記問題:

    What’s your favorite country, why? 你最喜歡的國家是哪裡?為什麼?

    This is a very difficult question, but if I can only pick one country, I guess I would say it’s the United States. People there are very easy to talk to and nice. I have many friends in the States and they are very friendly to me. Also it’s a huge country so it has a lot to offer. I know English very well so it’s also very easy for me to travel.



    希望可以邀請你在Apple Podcast留言給我,讓我認識你,我覺得很暖心的留言我也會精選在節目中閱讀出來!


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  • 1434 如何活出最美麗人生|用英文問:你喜歡海邊還是山呢?


    One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others. 活出美麗人生的秘訣之一是,為別人做的事,就是值得做的事。

    Day 8日記問題:

    Do you prefer the beaches or the mountains? Why? 你喜歡海邊還是山上呢?為什麼?

    I prefer the beaches because I think beaches are beautiful and meditative. I like the color blue and the beach is flat so I don’t feel tired when I walk.





    ❤️喜馬拉雅電台:學英語環遊世界 FLYWITHLILY



    Spotify https://reurl.cc/m9KdgG

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Kj161j

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    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/bkWLeo

    Google Podcast https://reurl.cc/6EK1xV

    ❤️ 我的英語故事 Fly With Lily

    Spotify https://reurl.cc/yQDA28

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/DdKOWd

    ❤️ 我的網站


    ❤️ 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號

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  • 1433 為什麼你總是找不到喜歡的事做?|如何用英語回答最喜歡的一個假期記憶


    Your only limitations are those you set up in your mind, or permit others to set up for you. 你唯一的局限就是你在腦袋里設定的,或者是你讓其他人讓你設定的。

    Day 7日記問題:

    What is your favorite holiday memory? Why? 你最喜歡的一個假期回憶是什麼?為什麼?

    There was a time when I stayed in Florida for two weeks. I rented a beach apartment by the sea. The beach was so beautiful and my room was facing it. I had a boyfriend at that time and he stayed with me. Every day we would either go to the beach and watch the sunset, or he would cook and we’d enjoy food and drinks with new friends. It was my favorite vacation because I felt extremely relaxed.


    訂閱我的Youtube視頻日更版本:Fly with Lily




    ❤️喜馬拉雅電台:學英語環遊世界 FLYWITHLILY



    Spotify https://reurl.cc/m9KdgG

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Kj161j

    Google Podcast https://reurl.cc/q8WD7D


    Spotify https://reurl.cc/9ODjWd

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/bkWLeo

    Google Podcast https://reurl.cc/6EK1xV

    ❤️ 我的英語故事 Fly With Lily

    Spotify https://reurl.cc/yQDA28

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/DdKOWd

    ❤️ 我的網站


    ❤️ 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號

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    LINE官方帳號 https://line.me/R/ti/p/{flywithlily}

    微信官方帳號 IFLYCLUB(服務號)ENGLISHFIT(訂閱號)





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  • 1432 如何創造一個自己的天堂|你有坐過飛機嗎?

    訂閱我的Youtube視頻日更版本:Fly with Lily

    今日格言:Whenever you have an opportunity to laugh, laugh; whenever you have an opportunity to dance, dance; whenever you have an opportunity to sing, sing – and one day you will find you have created your paradise. 當你有機會笑,就笑;當你有機會跳舞,就跳舞;當你有機會歌唱,就歌唱 – 有一天你就會發現,你創造了你自己的天堂。

    Day 6 日記問題:Have you ever traveled by plane? How did you feel? 你有坐過飛機旅行嗎?你感覺如何?

    Yes, I remember the first time I traveled by plane, I went by myself too. I was very nervous, but I liked flying. I enjoyed the inflight movies and food very much as well. 



    Spotify https://reurl.cc/m9KdgG

    Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Kj161j

    Google Podcast https://reurl.cc/q8WD7D

    喜馬拉雅FM https://reurl.cc/j5Kdz2

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