This week we are honored to have Brandon Dawson-Jarvis as a guest. Brandon is the founder of Grove Campus, a company that provides eco-friendly yoga mats and pay-what-you-can yoga and meditation sessions. Grove campus uses contributions to organize and execute community events and initiatives. His efforts have resulted in helping families in need with school supplies and Holiday toys, among other initiatives.
Brandon is passionate about building stronger communities and making yoga and meditation accessible to all. We discuss a wide range of topics including childhood trauma, prison, personal responsibility, the power of self study and living with intention, mental health, community support and social entrepreneurship and so much more!
Follow Brandon @grovecampus and @brandondawsonjarvis and visit their website at https://grovecampus.com/.
Our offering this week is a book! Yoga and Science in Pain Care: treating the person in pain by Neil Pearson, Shelly Prosko and Marlysa Sullivan. We also suggest staying up to date about emerging Yoga research via www.iayt.org.