
  • Mark 4:1-20

    s5e17 The Parable of the Soils and Jesus' Explanation


    1. He gets in a boat to preach, which seems to happen often to get away from the crowds; how pressing were they?
    2. Why does Mark not seem to record many parables? How does he use the word "parable"?
    3. "Listen" in v. 3 seems commanding; Mt and Lk don't include this...
    4. Four types of soil, and the focus seems to be on the soils, not the sower
    5. the deficient soils - 3 types; the good soil also seems to have three types
    6. would this story be confusing to those who did not hear the explanation?
    7. what is meant by secret?
    8. what is the significance of IS 6?
    9. the discussion with the disciples and others - what is his purpose in this?
    10. the explanation seems obvious - is there something we are missing?


    • Jesus came to reveal the kingdom of God
    • Everyone has a response to the Kingdom of God/ to accept or reject


    • Walk closer to Jesus: He spells out responses to the message - what is the soil of my heart?
    • Modeling Jesus: Living ministry with his understanding - and not become disheartened when running into different soil types.
    • Praise Jesus: He has revealed the kingdom of God to us!

    Group Questions:

    1. Describe the four types of soil and expound on each one - give examples of how hearts reflect this teaching.
    2. What did Jesus mean by secret?
    3. What soil does your heart relate to and why?
    4. What strikes you the most in this text and why?

    SOMA episodes will be moving to a new SOMA - New Hope Bible Studies Podcast in Feb 2022 - stay tuned!

    Tune in soon in 2022 to New Hope Underground - coming back! Check out our other podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Mark 3:20-35

    s5e16 Jesus' Family and Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit


    1. vs 20-21 don't seem to fit too well in context, is Mark sandwiching v22-30 in between v20-1 and v31-35?
    2. He is out of his mind? did they really think he was insane?
    3. scribes came down from Jerusalem (but Galilee is north) - why down?
    4. Mark loves the word, "and" in this passage
    5. Beelzebul - different than Satan? same? what's the meaning
    6. Jesus called the scribes over - why would they go if they really thought he was possessed?
    7. parables - how is this a parable?
    8. what is the significance of "kingdom" and "house" is there any?
    9. why strong man? who is the strong man?
    10. hard verse 28 - blasphemy - what is it? is v 30 an explanation?
    11. vs 31-35 - is he saying he doesn't care about his actual family? what does he mean?


    • The Kingdom of God is here in Jesus and will defeat the Kingdom of Satan
    • Jesus is not insane, not possessed, and has all authority.
    • Will we do the will of God and believe and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior?


    • Walk closer to Jesus: I don’t want to be on the wrong side. His goodness attracts me to follow and His authority compels me to follow.
    • Modeling Jesus: Jesus dealt with accusations head-on and fought with logic and truth. Sometimes even your family is wrong when it comes to what God’s will is in your life.
    • Praise Jesus: He is Yahweh, creator of all things and more powerful than any demon or created being. Salvation is why he came - ultimate victory over Satan - Christus Victor!

    Group Questions:

    1. What would Jesus' family think he was insane?
    2. Describe the scribes...why do you think, are they saying such things?
    3. What are the meanings of a kingdom divided and a house divided? Who's kingdom? Who's house?
    4. What is blasphemy?
    5. What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
    6. Describe all the things you were feeling while reading this passage.

    SOMA episodes will be moving to a new SOMA - New Hope Bible Studies Podcast in Feb 2022 - stay tuned!

    Tune in soon in 2022 to New Hope Underground - coming back! Check out our other podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Group Leaders Only - End of the Year Message Part 2

    s5e15 Group Leaders Only - End of the Year Message Part 2

    Thank you for all you do, Group Leaders! Happy New Year!

    Listen to this 2nd of a 2 part message from Darin as we wind down 2021 and look forward to 2022!

    New Hope Underground is coming back! Stay Tuned in 2022!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    16 分
  • Group Leaders Only, End of the Year Message Part 1

    s5e14 Group Leaders Only - End of the Year Message Part 1

    Thank you for all you do Group Leaders! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Listen to this 2 part message from Darin as we wind down 2021 and look forward to 2022!

    New Hope Underground is coming back! Stay Tuned in 2022!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    13 分
  • Mark 3:7-19

    s5e13 Jesus Withdraws and Chooses the 12 Apostles


    1. withdrew - what is the meaning exactly? How often does Mark use it?
    2. Where is Idumea?
    3. Wanted to touch him not wanting to be touched by him
    4. they unclean spirits- whenever they saw him - often?
    5. Are these possessed people? If so -there isn't any talk of casting them out? Assumed?
    6. Mountain - do we know which mountain?
    7. What do we know about each of these disciples listed?
    8. Zealot - is this a faithful political zealot?


    1. It seems to be a transition - showing context and connecting passages
    2. Authority is still an issue - it seems to be the closing of the introductory hook for Mark


    1. Walk closer to Jesus: God is so gracious; I want to be gracious even in my weakness or while working with others in their weaknesses.
    2. Modeling Jesus: Boldness - helping others just by being around
    3. Praise Jesus: he is the Son of God; I praise Him for choosing to use humanity to carry out His purposes

    Group Questions:

    1. Describe the possible thoughts and feelings that the disciples possessed when the crowds pushed in from every side on Jesus.
    2. Describe the possible thoughts and feelings that the crowds possessed when they pushed in from every side on Jesus.
    3. How did Jesus handle the overwhelming crowds?
    4. What about this text teaches you about how to walk closer to Jesus? Model Jesus? Praise Jesus?

    Tune in soon in 2022 to New Hope Undergound - coming back! Check out our other podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    37 分
  • Mark 3:1-6

    s5e12 Mark 3:1-6

    Jesus Heals a Man with a Withered Hand on the Sabbath


    • does the word "again" mean this took place on the same sabbath recorded in the last passage of chapter 2?
    • Jesus is in a synagogue again but did it not say earlier that he stayed away from public places?
    • Ready to pounce on the healing - something seems odd when the Pharisees ignore the miracle
    • Their silence in v 4 - does it mean they thought it lawful then?
    • It does not seem that the Pharisees could see the forest through the trees - Jesus seems agitated maybe with this continual misunderstanding or stubbornness
    • Anger - what does this word mean? What about grieved?
    • The hardness of the heart - internal? External work of God?
    • What about this event stirred the Pharisees so much they wanted to kill?
    • Why is this questioned but not the exorcism on a sabbath in 1:21-28?


    • Mark does seem to be exposing the motives of the Pharisees to his readers
    • The text must confront the reader's heart about stubbornness, hardness
    • Jesus came to bring life, to restore goodness


    Walking Closer to Jesus:

    • Our own rules, even if religious, need to be confronted if they are not from God. Do I let trivial things stand in the way of genuine commitment?

    Modeling Jesus:

    • Are we about giving good things to people around us? Not stingy and crotchety.

    Praising Jesus:

    • He is Lord of the rules and the Giver of good things.

    Group Questions:

    • What strikes you the most in this passage about the Pharisees? About Jesus?
    • What is stubbornness?
    • Describe ways in which you think your heart is stubborn to Jesus?

    Listen to NH podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

    The ALL New Hope Underground Podcast will be kicking off in 2022!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    36 分
  • Mark 2:23-28

    s5e11 Mark 2:13-28

    The Disciples "Harvest" on the Sabbath


    • 4th conflict with religious leaders of 5 in a row in this section of Mark
    • last one was about what the disciples were not doing (fasting) and this one is about what they were doing (plucking grain)
    • reminiscent of Jesus saying you didn't like me or John the Baptist - like children in the marketplace
    • why is the question again, why are they doing this?
    • was it really unlawful for them to pluck grain?
    • the significance of the story of David? (1 Sam 21) - it reads Ahimelech not Abiathar as the priest
    • Bread of presence? holy bread? why?
    • why wasn't it lawful to eat the bread of presence?
    • what is the significance of the the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath?
    • use of the Son of Man again and links it with the term "Lord"
    • what would it mean for a Jew to observe the Sabbath in ancient Israel?


    • Jesus is about joy and freedom not rules and bondage
    • Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, greater than the temple (included in Matthew's gospel)
    • Jesus has authority and not held by human laws


    Walking Closer to Jesus:

    • Jesus' authority has to be implemented in our lives
    • We often love the things of Jesus more than Jesus

    Modeling Jesus:

    • Beware of legalism. Do we have an overall spirit of joy or judgment?

    Praising Jesus:

    • He is Lord of all Rules

    Group Questions:

    • What rules or church traditions do we tend to follow that can be questioned if they are from God or man?
    • What is one thing that you have learned over the years....that you originally had wrong about Jesus?
    • How does this text help you walk closer to Jesus?
    • What do you notice in this text that you should model?
    • Let's praise him in prayer - what can we praise him for specifically from what we have gained in this text?

    Listen to NH podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

    The ALL New Hope Underground Podcast will be kicking off in 2022!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Mark 2:18-22

    s5e10 Mark 2:18-22

    Jesus is questioned about Fasting


    • Jesus was different even from John the Baptist when it came to fasting
    • Was this really God's rule about fasting? Festival reasons?
    • Of what did the fasting consist?
    • Why does Jesus answer questions with questions?
    • Mark doesn't seem to elaborate on any meaning.
    • The parable or metaphor language - wedding guests, garments, wineskins - significance?
    • Did they see this as a major slap in the face coming from a Rabbi? Could this have been an honest question?
    • The garment and wineskin - same metaphorical meaning?
    • Is there foreshadowing of the cross here in vs 20?


    • The way to God is not through religious observance.
    • The way to God is through joyful association with Jesus (R.T. France)
    • Jesus changes everything.


    • Walk closer to Jesus - joy, why isn't joy a bigger factor in my life? Being a disciple requires not just following all the "rules" but being intentional about building a relationship with Jesus every day.
    • Model - religious observance is about freedom, not an obligation, Jesus modeled this idea
    • Praise -He's not a stuffy nor demanding Master but his yoke is light

    Group Questions:

    • What are some church traditions or rules that you're not sure that Jesus actually commanded us?
    • When you walk away from this passage, will you feel more guilty or freer as a believer, and why?
    • What was Jesus' point concerning the wedding guest? What about the garment and the wineskins?
    • Explain joy in your life. What role does it play? (tough question but gut it out it will be worth it)

    Listen to NH podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

    The ALL New Hope Underground Podcast will be kicking off in 2022!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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