Ghoooooooooooooooost Riders in the Skyyyyyyyyyy!! Jeremy co-hosts for another Super Hero Songbook, this time looking at the convoluted history and many identities of B-tier Marvel superhero Ghost Rider. Jeremy also challenges Henry Rollins to a fight. Does he show up to throw down? Find out!
WAFFLES! :: Teen Titans
Ghost Riders in the Sky :: Stan Jones
Motorcycle Mama :: Neil Young
Bad Buddhist :: Sick Boss
Ghost :: Lynn Jackson
Ghost Dog Theme :: RZA
Ghost Rider :: Suicide
Ghost Rider :: Rollins Band
Ghost Rider :: Betty and Veronica
A Ghost to Most :: Drive-By Truckers
Born to be Wild :: Enoch Light Singers
Born to be Wild :: Guitar Wolf
Walking With A Ghost :: Tegan and Sara
Skulls :: Wildlife
Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts :: Wolf Parade
Leader of the Pack :: Twisted Sister
Dreaming :: Ghost Rider
Nitebike :: Deerhunter
Ghost Riders in the Sky :: Children of Bodom
Unknown Legend :: Neil Young
Superheros :: Jezzy P
Nunca es Tarde :: Guadaloops
Ghost Rider :: Rush
I’ve Been Riding With The Ghost :: Songs Ohia