• Episode 78 - Cornelius Van Til

    Cornelius Van Til is one of the foremost apologists of the 20th Century. He developed the strand of apologetics known as presuppositional apologetics. His influence on modern Christianity is undeniable.


    New Netherlands Institute: https://www.newnetherlandinstitute.org/history-and-heritage/dutch_americans/cornelius-van-til

    Banner of Truth: https://banneroftruth.org/us/resources/articles/2001/cornelius-van-til/

    Got Questions? https://www.gotquestions.org/presuppositional-apologetics.html

    Table Talk Magazine: https://tabletalkmagazine.com/posts/christianity-and-van-tillianism-2019-08/

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  • Episode 77 - John G Paton

    Hello and welcome to episode 77 of the Giants of the Faith podcast. My name is Robert Daniels and I am the host of this show where we look back at Christians from the past that have made an impact for the kingdom of God. Today we're looking at the life of Scottish missionary John Paton.


    Ligonier: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/missionary-john-paton

    All Nations Interational: https://allnations.international/blog/the-story-of-john-paton-whose-god-made-rain-come-from-the-earth

    Wholesome Words: https://www.wholesomewords.org/missions/biopaton2.html

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  • Bonus Episode 18 - Karl Barth, Sad Trombone

    In today's episode we're looking at influential modern theologian Karl Barth. This is my third try at writing this episode because I've struggled to be able to present Barth in a way that both appreciates his impact on the 20th century church while dealing with the problems in his personal life. So, to avoid rubber-stamping Barth's status as a Giant of the Faith but to also cover such an influential figure, I'm bumping him to bonus episode status. This might limit the reach of this episode but it will at least assuage my conscience.


    The Gospel Coalition: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/theologians-karl-barth-adultery/

    Rod Lampard: https://rodlampard.com/2018/09/06/three-criticisms-of-karl-barth/

    The Torrey Gazette: https://torreygazette.com/blog/2017/6/27/all-the-barth-questions

    Evangelical Orphan: https://evangelicalorphan.wordpress.com/2015/09/05/meet-karl-barth/

    Athanasian Reformed: https://growrag.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/some-of-what-i-know-of-karl-barth-off-the-top-a-self-promoted-test-of-sorts/

    Princeton Theological Seminary: https://barth.ptsem.edu/charlotte-von-kirschbaum-and-karl-barth/

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  • Episode 76 - Chrysostom

    Hello, and welcome to episode 76 of the Giants of the Faith podcast. This is the podcast where we look at the lives of Christians from history and examine the impact that they have had for the Kingdom of Christ. I'm your host, Robert Daniels, and in today's episode we're focused on one of the Church Fathers, John Chrysostom.


    Orthodox Christianity: https://orthochristian.com/43102.html

    Got Questions: https://www.gotquestions.org/John-Chrysostom.html

    Christian History Institute: https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/john-chrysostom-did-you-know

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  • Episode 75 - JC Ryle

    This is the podcast where we profile Christians from throughout the age of the church and look at their impact on the world and our shared faith. In this episode we're profiling the Anglican Bishop J.C. Ryle, who's commentaries and works are still in print and in wide use today.

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  • Episode 74 - Dionysius Exiguus

    Dionysius Exiguus, whose name would be translated today as "Dennis the Humble," was a 6th-century monk, scholar, and mathematician. While he may not be as well-known as some other figures from antiquity, his contributions to the world are profound and enduring.

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  • Episode 73 - Mark Buntain

    Welcome to Giants of the Faith, a podcast where we explore some of the great figures in Christian history. I'm your host, Robert Daniels, and today we're going to talk about Mark Buntain, a Canadian evangelist and missionary who founded a hospital and a feeding program in Calcutta, India. This episode is for Tim Svoboda, who won the graphic novel contest from a few months ago by suggesting Buntain.

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  • Episode 72 - John Mason Neale (Christmas 2023)

    Today, we will focus on the life and work of John Mason Neale, an Anglican priest, scholar, and hymnwriter who translated and adapted many ancient and medieval hymns into English. My initial thought was to relegate Neale to a bonus episode hitched to Episode 71 and Wenceslaus. But when I saw that he was also responsible for the popular English translations of "Good Christian Men, Rejoice" and "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" I had to give him the full episode treatment. Those two songs, along with "Good King Wenceslas" are some of my favorite classic Christmas songs so I really enjoyed learning about Neale.


    Hymnology Archive. https://www.hymnologyarchive.com/john-mason-neale.

    The Feast Days: https://thefeastdays.com/0807

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