
  • Zane Lawhorn's God's Truth: They know NO SHAME

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    God's Truth says: "Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? NO, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush"

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • Episode 12: It's Time to STOP going to Church!

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    And start BEING THE CHURCH!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • Disobedience to God or Climate Change? Episode 11 by Zane Lawhorn

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    There has been unusual earthquakes all over the United States this year. There have been earthquakes on the West Coast, that's not to crazy considering they are ripe for the BIG ONE. Which we are told is past due. Last Tuesday a 5.2 earthquake struck in an area of southern California not known to have a fault. That's right, it is an area without a known fault but still it is known for having earthquakes. This particular quake has had more than 275 aftershocks so far.

    The Big One is coming and the West Coast is about as liberal as you can get all the way from southern Cal to the northern border of Washington.

    Climate change the cause? or what if, it is dis-obedience to God. Will He allow it to continue much longer?

    On the East Coast, New Jersey has had over 200 tremors over the last three months.

    In the middle of the country, an earthquake occurred under Lake Michigan. One earthquake nut said "I thought I had seen it all, an earthquake Friday proves that I still haven't." Many in Wisconsin felt the quake.

    Meanwhile, down in Texas there have been so many earthquakes in one county that a state of emergency has been declared.

    The globalist would have us believe that mankind is the blame. Our use of gasoline and other energy products is the root cause.

    But as a believer, I am here to tell you that God predicted these things would happen BECAUSE OF OUR DISOBEDIENCE TO HIM. Yes, man is to blame but not for the reason the globalists say. They want to control us to their benefit. But the problem is not physical. The problem is our relationship with our Creator. America and the world needs a HOLY GHOST REVIVAL OF JESUS CHRIST.

    Now that would really shake the world!

    Speaking of shaking the world, the globalists are working diligently to set up their One World Government....Read on to learn more

    The One World Government is coming! The One World Government is coming!

    Where's Paul Revere when you need him! Several global elite organizations are working diligently to bring the whole planet into a One World Government. And the worst part is most people, the vast majority of people around the world is clueless to what is happening.

    In this current event that has direct Biblical implications I will bring to your attention several terms you need to be paying attention to. Hopefully, you will already be familiar with these and I won't be telling you anything new. But I expect that most people won't have heard of them. And most won't until it is too late!

    In September the United Nations will sign the "Pact for the Future". That is the first term you need to set to memory. The Pact for the Future is a bad thing. It is bad for our national sovereignty and for your personal soveereignty. Your rights, your privacy for very life is at stake.

    #1. Pact for the Future. Remember it.

    Before I go any further though, I want you to understand that God is way ahead of these guys. That is the God's Truth of this Pact. God recorded in the Bible that these people (unnamed of course) would in the last days try their best to create a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. I got news for them.....It ain't going to work and you can quote me on that. The One world Government will be short lived. For Jesus will overthrow all their plans.

    Term: #2. Summit of the Future. Remember it,

    that is the name of this meeting in September where they will vote on the Pact for the Future. This Pact is a major step forward in creating the One World Government they desire so.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • God saved Donald Trump and God will save America, by Zane Lawhorn

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    The events of July 13th need serious attention both for the physical realm and the spiritual realm because of the major implications of that day. First, in the physical realm there was an epic unforgivable failure on behalf of the Secret Service and the local law enforcement. A serious lack of communication and training was evident that almost cost the Republican nominee for president Donald Trump his life. That would have changed the course of this nation dramatically forever. Reports indicate that up to 8 shots were fired at the former president before fire was returned neutralizing the traitor. Any one of those 8 shots could have been a successful assassination of one of the greatest and most prominent Americans in modern day.

    The events of July 13th also had a spiritual, that is a Biblical prophetic implication. God performed a miracle that day for the whole world to see and can not be denied. There is no other reasonable explanation. In the process of saving Donald Trump's life, our Creator fulfilled Levitical requirements for the ordaining and consecration of a person for a special purpose. During the Old Testament book of Leviticus we learn how the Levite priests were consecrated for the Holy work. There was a specific process that took place in chapter 8 that was relevant on that Saturday, a Jewish Sabbath. In the process of an attempted assassination, Trump was ordained and consecrated when the first bullet struck his right ear. It is amazing how God uses ordinary and specific events to work His miracles of grace.

    Leviticus explains how the OT process required blood on the right ear (same as Trump), right thumb/hand (same hand Trump first reacted with and later would extend skyward) and right big toe (remember when Trump said let me get my shoes on!) Now we know why they were removed.

    One photo even has the sun shining on Trump's right thumb as he is bowed down, not in fear but in reverence.

    Even the date has significance in my opinion. July 13th is 7:13 and while it might be a stretch, is the verse of warning that precedes 2nd Chronicles 7:14 where God lays out His promise to His people about repenting and returning the land, in this case America to Him. On July 13th the whole world witnessed God intervening in an assassination attempt in a town called Butler. Which is a word used in the Bible to mean 'cupbearer', whose sole job is to protect the ruler, king, perhaps in this case, president from an assassination attempt. By drinking the cup before the King in case it was poisoned. When God ordained and consecrated Donald Trump for a special purpose He did so publicly just as Leviticus requires. I want to thank Jonathan Cahn and others for bringing this to light. I wasn't aware of the significance myself until I was able to study their discernment of the blood meaning. There could also be a Third Temple implication as well. The American raised Red Heifers are in Israel now waiting for the proper time to be used for the purification needed to build the Temple. This is a necessary step for the priests to be prepared to perform the duties required in the return of the Jewish Temple. We will have to wait and see how this all plays out but I find it interesting that God has proclaimed His Holy Will for the world to witness and have no excuse. America must have a Revival of Jesus Christ and this event moves us closer to that goal. Glory be to God!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • God's Truth is found at www.zanelawhorn.com, Episode 9

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    Looking for the real truth? Want to learn about Biblical prophecy and how it relates to current events? Listen in to this podcast every week as we explore current events and God's Truth found in the Word of God. In this episode we look at what the Bible says about the perversion and depravity we are witnessing in the world right now. Touching on the Olympic mockery of Christianity's scene of the Last Supper as well as other current events. This Christian podcast gives it to you straight from the Bible so you can combat the 'almost truth' the world wants you to believe.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • God's Truth: America is the Prodigal Nation, Episode 8

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    The term Prodigal is defined as 'spending money or resources freely and recklessly, wasteful extravagant'

    To me, that sounds EXACTLY like the Federal Government of the United States. Congress and the President have for decades and continues to do so, spend money recklessly and freely. Without any regard for paying the debt back. Any member of congress who votes to raise the debt ceiling should be fired on the spot. FIRED. I think I remember a TV show where a guy would FIRE PEOPLE, we need him in the White House.

    You're FIRED Congress. You are fired Joe Biden. Kamala Harris.
    The Prodigal Son parable has two main themes: LOVE & FORGIVENESS

    Oh, there's greed in there too. There's spending freely and recklessly the son's inheritance. Just like the Federal Government.

    Yet, the lesson for us is that;

    The parable of the Prodigal Son teaches us that,

    God loves sinners

    That God does not give up on sinners,

    That God is waiting for us to repent and return to Him

    That God is faithful.

    That when we return to Him, His arms will be wide open for that comforting hug we all need at times.

    For America, we can take comfort in knowing that God loves us still, even though our sins are reaching heaven and getting worse every day, God has not given up on us just yet, maybe one day, one day soon perhaps, but today God still has not given up on us, America!

    God is simply being patient while we recklessly spend our way into financial collapse both personally for so many and for our nation.

    God is faithful and wants us to return to Him through a REVIVAL REVOLUTION of Jesus Christ.

    Now, let's look at the older brother and the lesson he provides. The older brother, the righteous one in many eyes, reminds us that we can be Christian and harbor wrong thoughts and intentions. About other Christians in some cases. That we fail to maximize our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

    The Prodigal Son parable teaches us that we have squandered what God has blessed us with as a nation. And individually.


    We are the Prodigal Nation.

    We were given an abundance of blessings yet we have squandered every good thing God provided.

    And one way we are paying for it is with our youth of today. The young people of today is the future of America yet they are the Prodigal Generation recklessly squandering the blessings God has bestowed upon America. Most are lazy, un-motivated, just wanting to be on their phones, not working, definitely not dependable and worst of all they make up our military.

    The military we have today is a shell of what it once was. Today we have the smallest military troops since 1940. And we all know what happened in 1941. We live in a day where young people make horrible employees. They believe they are entitled to get paid and not work. The vast majority don't want to work, they just want to spend time on their phones.

    And, these are the people our nation will depend on to defend our country and defeat our enemies in the next war.

    America has gone WOKE, Will soon be BROKE and

    Only 18% of 18 years to 34-year-olds, say they are extremely patriotic.

    Only 18%

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • Episode 7: Destination Unknown

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    Where are you going?

    Do you have a destination in mind as you travel through life? God's Truth is that we all have one of two destinations. One is chosen for us automatically. The other requires you to make a decision. This Christian podcast will help you find the path to make the right decision. For no decision is still a decision!

    Listen in as we discuss current events and life choices you need to make. The Bible provides the manual for life if you want to use it.

    Here's a brief excerpt of the transcript:
    Jesus makes it simple for us. He gives us the roadmap in plain English. In the Gospel of John chapter 14, Thomas one of Jesus's disciples asks Him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?

    Jesus replies, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life"

    Jesus is our travel guide. He is our road map. And our destination? Jesus makes that plain too.

    The second part of Verse 6, says "No one comes to the Father, except through me."

    Our destination is the KINGDOM OF GOD.

    Our Destination is the eternal kingdom to be with God, His Son Jesus and other Christian believers.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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  • Episode 6 God's Truth: :Running against the Devil.

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    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    Most of you know this verse by heart. It is God's promise that IF we do our part HE will hear us, forgive us and heal us. It's really that simple.

    God provides us a clear roadmap, a blueprint a 5 step solution to ALL our problems. And we will discuss this a bit later.

    But the verse I want you to focus on right now is Verse 13;

    Turn in your Bible to 2 Chronicles Chapter 7 Verse 13;

    “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;”

    This Christian Podcast focuses on God's promise to nations who turn away from Him. The Bible has a clear 5 Step process for a nation to return to Him.


    Our Father in Heaven,

    We know you have promised in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 that if we be your people, humble ourselves as we are doing now, praying to you, seeking your face in repentance for America,

    that God, you will bring to the nation's capital and into our governments those of YOUR will.

    That our nation would humble itself in repentance.

    That our nation would turn from it's wickedness, ending sinful policies.

    That our nation would seek God's face in petitioning YOUR divine intervention.

    That God you would hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our nation.

    In the name of our KING, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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