Bill tries Nobarra, Larry upgrades, Sean has lots of suggestions, Stefan provides feedback on our new theme, Jesper follows up on audio, David comments on AntennaPod.
Episode Time Stamps
00:00 Going Linux #456 · Listener Feedback
01:07 Bill tries Nobarra Linux
02:37 Destination Linux
12:18 HP Dragonfly 13.5 G4 and Linux
17:49 Sean: AWStats, Ardour, Ventoy, and converting CDs
38:54 Dave: Hello from Brockport NY
39:42 Stefan: Reasons for changing the podcast theme
45:28 Jesper: Follow up on audio quality
47:23 David: AntennaPod
51:38 Stephen: Suggests Nobara Linux
58:13 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe
59:06 End