
  • You stay classy, San Diego!

    In this episode I talk about my trip to San Diego back in 2019 (not 2018 like I said during the episode, what a dummy!) and going to a couple hockey games, and my experience on the USS Midway again. I dive a little deeper into the history of the aircraft carrier and the paranormal activity that is said to happen there. If you ever get the chance be sure to go to SD and check out the Midway and see if you have an experiences yourself, or just take in the sheer size and history of it. I also recommend checking out the zoo while you're there! I hope you like the episode and please rate, comment and share the pod if you're enjoying it, thank you!

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    38 分
  • Chatting with Dave

    In this episode I'm joined by my good friend and former coworker Dave. I had the pleasure of getting to know Dave during my four years in Providence with the Bruins, and you'll hear some memories of that and some things away from the rink as well. Dave also shares a story he has that involves a certain clock wearing rapper!

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    47 分
  • Horror OG's vs. the remakes

    Just a heads up there are some spoilers in this episode. In this episode I give my take on a few horror movie originals and remakes. The films I talk about are The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 and 2003, Halloween 1978 and Rob Zombies Halloween, Pet Sematary 1989 and 2019 and IT 1990 and IT chapter 1&2. Tune in and see if we have similar thoughts on these films, and feel free to reach out to let me know either on my podcast instagram @goodchatwithcwpod or @inthecreepywood also please follow the show and like and comment on episodes, Thanks for listening!

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    58 分
  • C and T's trip down memory lane

    In this episode I have my friend Tom back to talk about nostalgia and memories from our childhoods. Reminiscing about toys, commercials, shows and a few other things that we remember from what he had and saw as kids.

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    1 時間 36 分
  • True crime in Guilderland

    WARNING,THE CONTENT IN THIS EPISODE MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME, LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED* In this episode I talk about an incident from 2001 where a classmate does the unthinkable. Also I share some seemingly conflicting information that gets revealed over a decade later surrounding the case.

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    20 分
  • The Dork Knights

    For this episode I am joined by my friend and former coworker Jordan to have a chat about the caped crusader and a lot of things from the world of Batman! We talk about Batman from the 1960's Adam West series to The Batman with Robert Pattinson and even some of the animated versions and characters. We chat for just under an hour and cover a lot of things but I also realized after we finished recording we didn't cover a few characters and actors that probably should have been mentioned, maybe that will be in a part 2 down the road. Thanks for listening to us nerd out for a while!

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    57 分
  • Some funny times

    In this episode I talk about three stories I thought were funny from my life. You'll hear about the observations of a little kid, something that could have ended a little worse and how I learned a career in security wasn't in the cards for me. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening!

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    16 分
  • C and T music chat

    In this episode I have my first guest and friend Tom join me to talk about music. We talk about what we listened to growing up, some favorite bands and concerts and even throw in a shared unpopular opinion in the metal world.

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    46 分