
  • Una Isla de Esperanza en la Amazon: a bilingual interview con Luis Muñoz y Lexi Gropper of Amisacho Reforestation Project
    “Earth’s medicine cabinet,” “lungs of the planet,” the Amazon is known for many things including sparking the American environmental movement. Before the (remarkably unsuccessful) “save the rainforest” thing in the ’80s, most Americans were unaware of the global, environmental significance of the Amazon Rainforest.  Guests, Luis Muñoz and Lexie Gropper live and work on a reforestation “farm” in Northeast Ecuador, lovingly called Amisacho.Luis’s parents started the project 14 ish years ago, with just a few acres. Now a 30+ acre island of jungle amidst widespread clear-cutting and desertification, Amisacho is home to multiple species of monkeys, a community lab for experimenting with native plant species, and other sustainable harvesting endeavors.  Luis and Lexie share about their wide-ranging work, which includes, installing solar panels in remote indigenous communities, making art, essential oils, biochar,  medicinal tinctures, and fostering healing in the wake of decades-long corporate pollution from Chevron/Texaco’s oil drilling. Part of their mission is to rebuild not only the forest, but a sense of community, hope, and resilience in the face of continual pressure to clearcut, plant monocultures, graze livestock, or allow international corporate extraction.  Loss of forest means loss of habitat for plants and animals as well as the loss of entire people groups, and cultures– cultures that hold invaluable indigenous wisdom, language, and stories. It means the loss of atmospheric oxygen and biodiversity–  the value of which the rest of the world has yet to even comprehend. (See how this forest could have sparked a movement?)This episode inspires us to remember what it means to be indigenous to a place, to protect and invest in future generations we may never know. There are many ways we can all help turn the tide, wherever we are. First by being aware of the impact of our choices and supporting the work of indigenous groups and projects like this one. Collective effort and patience have helped make Amisacho a place where the jungle demonstrates the power of biodiversity, resilience, and restoration. To learn more about these topics and see how you can make a change by voting with your dollar (how you shop, how you invest, or divest) check out the links in the show notes. And finally, please consider the ways you can support the work of the world’s indigenous groups currently protecting 36% of the world’s intact forests. Many in the Amazon have been protecting ancestral lands for decades, at times with their lives, against pressure from government and corporations. Thanks for listening.Amisacho's WebsiteAmisacho's Facebook PageSupport the conservation work of  Alianza Ceibo as they defend ancestral land from extractors and polluters, setting legal precedents that will protect watersheds, cultures, biodiversity, and so much more for future generations. Interested in divesting in big oil? So are we. Check out the Rainforest Action Network's Fossil Fuel  Finance Report for 2020 Support the decades long legal work of The Union of Affected People Against Texaco  as they work to set precedence in cases like these. O  La Unión de Afectados y Afectadas por las Operaciones Petroleras de TexacoSupport the healing work of Clínica AmbientalLearn more about biochar from the Permaculture Research InstituteWorld Resource Institute Article on ways indigenous communities are protecting forests. YAKUM  
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    1 時間 5 分
  • Spawning a Myco Revolution with Peter McCoy, Author of Radical Mycology

    Most of us know very little about fungi in contrast to their vast presence and integral role in our world. Sometimes called, "the earth's internet" fungi, specifically mycelium connect literally everything. They are the ultimate recyclers, decomposing and upcycling waste into food, medicine, building materials, and more.  

    Our guest, Peter McCoy recognized his passion for fungi while still in high school. Around that same time, he also began to recognize the profound lack of education and awareness around them.  Peter's personal journey to learn about this mysterious and integral kingdom led him to eventually write the most comprehensive singular work on fungi to date.  His book, "Radical Mycology: A Treatise on Seeing & Working With Fungi" has sparked events, film fests, online educational tools, and a startup called Mycocycle.  We asked Perter many questions in this ep and learned, we have so much more to learn about these incredible (sometimes edible) organisms. 

    Links from the ep:

    Reishi Ginger Turmeric Beer Recipe
    Radical Mycology Website
    Fungi Film Fest


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  • Cancel Culture: Reclaimed

    Who have you canceled this year? A high school classmate with a different view? A political figure? A brand that misstepped?


    Our views have become radicalized and many of us fear stating our views on social media. Cancel culture has become normalized amongst Twitter threads, IG follows, and Facebook timelines alike.


    Are we making ASSUMPTIONS or are we “woke”? It’s time to flip the script. Join hosts Eeland, Kaitlin, and Cecily in this episode where we try to use Cancel Culture in a more evolved way.


    Let us know which lifestyle choices you can CANCEL with us for good before Mother Earth cancels US.











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    34 分
  • Branding as a Catalyst for Sustainability: a Conversation with Expert and Educator Juli Schulz
    This week, sustainability expert, brand specialist, and educator, Juli Schulz shares how branding, purpose, and storytelling can be powerful catalysts for change. We also learn how she stays optimistic while also staying informed on complicated environmental issues. Juli's nearly two decades of marketing experience have aligned with her passion for sustainability while working with leading natural and sustainable brands such as Gardein plant-based foods, Rainbow Light, and Toyota. She has served on boards for environmental nonprofits such as 5 Gyres, mentors with Vice President Al Gore's Climate Reality, and acts as a mentor/instructor for sustainable design courses at Otis College of Art & Design in Los Angeles focused on plastic pollution solutions and circular design! While continuing to work with mission-driven brands and NGOs, she has also joined a global team of award-winning filmmakers at Backroads Pictures, where she serves as the Head of Marketing & Sustainability. Juli generously welcomes you to connect with her wherever you find her (links below), including her newly launched ECO BRANDS talks on Clubhouse  (Wednesdays at noon PT). Or by joining her on the yearly Peace Retreat SUP Yoga Adventure to the Sea of Cortez, Mexico.Connect with Juli:  LinkedIn, IG @ecojuli_, Twitter @JuliS,  website, EcoSUP , EcoBrands every Friday at noon PT on Clubhouse, Backroads Pictures FilmsLinks from the Episode:Project Drawdown Climate Reality ProjectSea Trees Carbon Offsetting5 Gyres2040 FilmAlison Teal ReMark App on Google PlayKhary's Instagram (rap artist who made Eeland's favorite hoodie)Eeland's Favorite Hoodie. Also, you should follow Eeland.Ecoist.World Eco-Friendly MarketplaceRainforest Action Network's "Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report 2020"Upstream Solutions Blueland Cleaning Products Bite Toothpaste
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    1 時間 13 分
  • Don’t Call it Comeback: Bo Shepherd and Kyle Dubay of Woodward Throwbacks Elevate Salvage in Detroit

    When Bo Shepherd and Kyle Dubay started Woodward Throwbacks, Detroit was home to about 80,000 abandoned buildings and a growing number of illegal dumpsites. What began as a hobby, making furniture from reclaimed materials spotted while biking around town, became a successful business that is both sustainable in its “anti-landfill” model and an inspiring tribute to the city’s history, ingenuity and resilience. 

    This week we hear from Bo and Kyle about how they got started, what they’ve learned, and how they stay inspired as overwhelmingly busy entrepreneurs.

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    40 分
  • Grassroots Activism to Corporate Sustainability: A Carbon Impact Journey with Emily Stolarcyk

    Ever wondered if your daily cup of coffee is sustainable? Ever multiplied it by 1 billion, then asked again?

    This week on Greenish, we hear from environmental activist and “extremist”  turned corporate sustainability specialist, Emily Stolarcyk.

    Emily shares what sustainability means to her personally (e.g. burnout from nonprofit work, grassroots organizing, outrage, oh and death threats) and professionally as she tries to make the phrase “less unsustainable” happen. We get into the nitty-gritty of LCAs (life cycle assessments), greenwashing, and the meaning of trade-offs in sustainability using some concrete examples. Maybe most importantly, we talk about what makes her hopeful for the future.


    TMI WARNING: This episode includes many answers that begin with “It depends, “ and enough shades of gray to make your head explode. Don’t be discouraged. In this case, all information is good information and consumer education IS moving the needle at a corporate level!

    Everything we learn from Emily confirms a few simple truths we can cling to:

    🌱buy local

    🌱 less > more

    🌱repair > replace

    🌱walk or ride > drive

    🌱naked > packaging

    🌱USE your reusables > single-use

    🌱organic and fair trade certs > not

    🌱share, compost, recycle, upcycle, less > waste

    Terms and Definitions:

    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) "a report mandated in the US by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), to assess the potential impact of actions “significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.” This requirement under NEPA does not prohibit harm to the environment, but rather requires advanced identification and disclosure of harm."  - Read the complete description from  AmericanBar.org
    NEPA - 

    LCA - Life Cycle Assessment is a detailed analysis of the impact a product has from raw material extraction to production, transport, use, and end of life. It provides a framework for thorough evaluation and requires peer review.  

    Resources and Helpful Tools:

    Consumer Apps We Love

    Learn more about the habitat preservation work of the Eyak Preservation Council  in Cordova, AK

    "Defending Alaska from the Department of Defense" Greenpeace Blog 


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    1 時間 16 分
  • People, Planet and Pollinators with Detroit Hives Cofounders

    Nicole Lindsay and Timothy Paule, are the Co-Founders and Co-Executive Directors of Detroit Hives, a nonprofit working to beautify neighborhoods in Detroit by converting vacant lots into bee habitats. Their work goes beyond beekeeping to include education, art, food security, and community-building.  Tim and Nicole share their story and their knowledge as bee ambassadors. Learn how our future, as well as our past, is intertwined with bees and the beautiful, easy ways we can all be supporting these hardworking pollinators. 

    1. Plant Bee-friendly flowers, trees, native plants, and herbs for native and honeybees alike.
    2. Build a bee hotel for native bees to rest.
    3. Let it  bee - Don’t mow, don’t spray, don’t weed
    4. Support local beekeepers by buying local honey and sharing their work with others! You can support DH directly  through donations, making a purchase in their shop, and following them on social media.
    5. Make bee bath or leave water out when it’s hot.
    6. Buzz - Spread the word in your neighborhood with a sign marking your bee sanctuary and spread the word on social media by celebrating National Urban Beekeeping Day on July 19th.

    Want your city to become a certified Bee City? 


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    44 分
  • "Good, Clean, Food. Eating Local with Organic Farmer, Sarah Longstreth"

    What constitutes an earth-friendly diet? Before we debate vegan, freegan, and vegetarian diets, we wanted to talk about eating local. To help us understand the impacts of opting for local produce, we invited a small organic farmer to share some of her experience with us as a small farmer and a mission-driven business.  

    Sarah shares a bit of her wisdom, answers "What is a CSA?" and breaks down the ways we can support small farmers.
    Email us at greenish@gobealive.com or message us on Instagram or Twitter @greenish.podcast 
    TheGreenishPodcast.com coming Earth Day 2021

    Helpful Links -
    Find a CSA near you at localharvest.org

    Learn about the origins of the CSA and read an inspiring interview with Booker T Whatley

    Learn how you can support young farmers at the polls and through advocacy through Young Farmers Coalition 

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