
  • Women Can Be Pastors Too

    Let's talk about it, I believe women can be pastors too. I believe anything said differently is wrong and preaching control.

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    23 分

    Christians do not read their bible enough. They lack in knowing God and his ways because they don't even read his word. Read your bible, teach that bible, spread that bible. Read the bible!

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    14 分
  • God Hates Corruption

    Pretty straightforward topic on this one right? Let's see what the book of Jude has to say on the matter.

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    10 分
  • Stand Fast In Tough Times

    If we only serve God and praise God when times are easy, then do we really have faith?

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    10 分
  • Why Can't We Hear From God?

    We talked about how to hear God's voice, now let's discuss why we're unable to hear God's voice. What are the roadblocks? What are the things in the way that prohibit us from hearing from God?

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    14 分
  • How To Hear God's Voice

    God does actually speak to people the same way that you and I speak. It's all throughout the bible, several examples of him directly speaking to people, (Abraham, Samuel, Moses, Jesus, The Apostles, etc.) Anyone can hear God's voice. Let's look at what the scriptures teach us.

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    18 分
  • We Need The Church

    Jesus died for the church, the church is called the bride of the church, we need it. We can't call ourselves Christians and stay away from the church.

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    20 分
  • The Gospel Is Not Hate!

    People tend to try and discredit the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by pointing out all the negative things that people do in the name of God, or by all the bad things that happen in the world. Let God be true and every man a liar. God is love, he gives us free will and sadly we as free willed beings can abuse our position, corrupt it, etc. all under the guise of faith.

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    19 分