In this guided meditation, we will revisit the "See, Hear, Feel" mindfulness technique. In a previous session, I gave you a guided tour of the senses where we used mindful awareness to explore seeing, hearing and feeling sequentially. You find this guided meditation easier if you have been through that, but if not it's no problem. You can still follow along.
The reason for revisiting this technique is because of it's versatility. Once you have the basics down, you can use this technique anytime you like without needing a guided audio. You can do it while sitting in stillness or while going about your daily life. Doing this will train your mind to rest in the reality of the senses (what you can see, hear and feel) in the present moment rather than ruminating or being habitually lost in thought.
Doing this technique as much as possible will change the way your mind works. It is like an upgrade to the operating system of your mind. It makes you more present and alive in the senses and you can do it with your eyes open on the go so it is really really easy.
Instagram: @that_meditation_guy
Website: https://www.delvedeep.com