
  • Revelation 22
    The final chapter of the Bible
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    1 時間 13 分
  • Revelation 21
    The revealing of the glorious city.
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    1 時間 9 分
  • Revelation 20
    Satan is bound for a thousand years, and Jesus reigns for a thousand years. The final judgement is come.
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    1 時間 15 分
  • Revelation 19
    Get ready for the weddng supper of the lamb. Jesus is coming on a white horse to judge and make war. This chapter is a picture of God's victory over evil, so shout out Hallelujah.
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    1 時間 18 分
  • Revelation 18
    Revelation 18 describes the fall of Babylon, a symbolic representation of a corrupt and sinful world system. It portrays Babylon as a powerful and wealthy city that is ultimately destroyed by God's judgment. The chapter emphasizes the mourning and lamentation of those who benefited from Babylon's prosperity, while also highlighting the rejoicing of the righteous over its downfall. Overall, Revelation 18 serves as a reminder of the temporary nature of worldly wealth and power, and the ultimate victory of God's kingdom.
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  • Revelation 17
    Revelation 17 describes a vision of a woman sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. The woman is described as a great prostitute, symbolizing a corrupt and immoral system. The beast represents a powerful and oppressive political entity. The chapter also mentions the woman being drunk with the blood of the saints, implying her involvement in persecution and violence against believers. Overall, Revelation 17 portrays a vivid image of a deceptive and destructive force that ultimately faces judgment.
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  • Revelation 16
    Revelation 16 describes a series of seven plagues or bowls of God’s wrath being poured out upon the earth. These plagues are said to be a punishment for the wickedness and disobedience of humanity. The chapter depicts various catastrophic events, such as the turning of rivers into blood, the scorching of people with intense heat, and the darkening of the sun. It also mentions the gathering of armies for a final battle, known as the Battle of Armageddon. Overall, Revelation 16 portrays a vivid and dramatic scene of divine judgment and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
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    1 時間 30 分
  • Revelation 15
    Revelation 15 describes a vision of seven angels with seven plagues. It also introduces a group of people who have overcome the beast and his image, and they are seen standing on a sea of glass, singing a song of praise to God. The chapter emphasizes the righteous judgment of God and the victory of those who remain faithful to Him.
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